about the goblins



Why isn't there an option to deal with the goblin cultist and succubus? I remember reading somewhere that the painted demon not having a 'kill' option was an oversight but the gobblin succy doesn't have it either and the only option is to let her go about her merry way waylaying and enslaving random people and leading them across the border to be captured by the imperials. And the goblin cultist initially serves and an exposition dump after which we either do as she wants and fuck her or let her go about her merry way waylaying and enslaving random people to initiate them into the cult.
Are these two meant to play major roles later in the game or was it just the usual 'didnt feel like writing it'


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Choose any/all of the following:
  • Not everybody who writes these characters wants to write murderhobo content.
  • There is no official policy that says anybody has to provide an option to kill corrupt enemies and the devs in general have recognized that CoC1 forcing the player to be a murderhobo to get the 'best' ending was a Bad Idea so there's some incentive against writing too much of that.
  • Killing unique characters (which both the Cultist Evangelist and Goblin Succubus are) and otherwise removing encounters means removing content from a region and the devs don't want regions to become barren so there's pressure against doing that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
True, but for the last part of that I was speaking generally. I probably should have split those up, since there's also a case to be made for the removal of specific content that you'd get when you kill a unique character being a more extreme step versus killing generic encounters like imps and the corrupted packleaders which doesn't wipe content.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Why isn't there an option to deal with the goblin cultist and succubus?
Same reason you don't get option to remove pretty much any other enemies, and even the ones you "kill" just get replaced with another carbon copy after a short while. Why should these two be singled out?