About marriage


New Member
Jul 6, 2022
Hello everyone, I'm completely new here, and I can't find such a question using a search engine (or I'm not looking well)
but I'm interested in one thing, does marriage affect relationships with other characters? for example if i marry Ahmri
And then I want to marry Kiyoko, will there be a conflict here? Of course, I read the text about the process itself, but I still did not fully understand whether there are any consequences arising from this, please give a detailed answer
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
No, there will be no conflicts if you marry multiple people. The game will even tell you this beforehand. Here's what Taldahs has to say as part of Ahmri's marriage sequence:
"Also, because I know it's different elsewhere in the world..." he pauses, thinking at length before continuing, "A wedding for us is a promise between two people, rather than to a god or a church or any other power. Don't feel like loving Ahmri will tarnish any commitments you've already made, and don't feel bound to her alone. It'd be a source of endless worry for her if she knew she was putting some kind of 'cap' on your love by being with you. Keep that in mind if she finds another love, as well. Seeing her look at you, I doubt it will happen, though. She's got the same look in her eye that I'm sure I did when her mother came to visit. Still, keep an open mind, eh?"
And here's another example, from Atani.
"And then we hold each other and all of that nervousness doesn’t matter, I just want to spend my whole life there telling you I love you. Sometimes I don’t even think it’s fair; I know there are more people in your life, and maybe when you look at them you feel the same way... but I had to say it anyway. That I don’t care about all of that so long as I get to have a piece of you to hold and love just as much as anyone else ever could."
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New Member
Jul 6, 2022
No, there will be no conflicts if you marry multiple people. The game will even tell you this beforehand. Here's what Taldahs has to say as part of Ahmri's marriage sequence:

And here's another example, from Atani.
Thank you, its all what im wanted to know