A very gravid situation. (Pregnancy fan and talk thread)


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Going to dive right into the topic and expand from there: Pregnancy/egg bearing in the game. I'm not going to lie, but I'm a huge baby belly and milky bosom fan, and love characters and scenes that involve one or both (Steele or otherwise.)...but they still need to fit in either the game or story they are set in respectively. Just throwing around pregnancies for all characters is something I've found to be plot breaking when taken to an extreme. But aside from that, for me, pregnancies are a sort of enhancer to the attractiveness of the person in question, the enhanced curves, the sense of intimacy in many interactions, and the occasionally heightened libido are all big pluses. Won't deny there's a bit of a primal draw to it as well. 

For those of you reading the thread, what draws you to the fetish and how much do you like seeing it in either stories or games where it can be shown?  

As a side note, who thinks there is a crossover between the inflation fetish and the pregnancy fetish, at least in the realm of bellies? Or do you think they are different? If so, how are they separate from each other in your mind?

And because I'm curious and have my own list which I'll make below, who here has characters that they think would be hotter with said fetish being involved? WARNING: This is not a question/list to badger the devs with, particularly Savin, this is just so we preggo fans can kibitz about who we think would look gorgeous knocked up.

For me, I'll do it by the numbers with a bit of a reason why.

1. Shade, she's a hot mama already and I imagine she'd be just as much the second time around. 

2. Kara, not going to lie, but for me the moment when a knotted Steele thoroughly inflates her and 'thoroughly breeds' her stuck with me. I know there are a 1001 reasons why it won't happen but the idea of Kara blooming into motherhood is a very attractive one.

3. Penny, must mate the foxy mate...so hot already...her with kits would be able to start a forest fire a mile away from the forest. Penny getting pregnant would be a 'call your doctor if you have this condition for 4 hours.' thing.

4. Embry, pure sweetness and love who will make a good mother on her determination to give her kids the best life possible alone, and she's already lovely which pregnancy would amped up exponentially for me.

5. Kiro, every time she teases about Steele potentially being the one she'd let sire a litter of pups in her, mental images of her with a large belly to match her impressive booty slayer are strong in the mind. 

5. My guilty pleasure/fantasy, Syri. Considering I can't even contemplate 'fixing her' without feeling severely squeamish, as she is one of the rare futas I like completely as is (trap I suppose but she feels very feminine despite the switched equipment), her being pregnant is something I can only come up with elaborate scenarios to justify happening, else it's just imagining her big and fruitful with an exasperated fond look on her face.6

6. Gianna, yes I know she's a synthetic being but I don't care, she's a very vibrant character and her Shou bust would be phenomenally sexy with a baby belly added.

7. Saendra, she's fit enough that she'd carry her pregnancy well and the curves she would gain would make her even more delectable.

8. Anno, not going to lie, she would look smoking with a litter of pups. 

9. Anzhela, Helllooooo Nurse! (close enough) She's already smart and sexy, but throw in a big baby belly and breast brimming with milk, and she'd never want for a second opinion on her beauty.

10. Captain Korghan, this would be purely primal breeding and the conquest of a strong female. 

11. Emmy, she's a sweetheart and definitely has the 'settle down or at least take her with you' waifu appeal and with her the pregnancy would definitely be a plus for the intimacy as well as the body changes. I actually consider she and Embry to be equal in the sincerely sweet waifu department.

12. Reaha, just going to say that the image of Reaha having a full belly to match her full breasts is a very attractive one. 

13. Sera, definitely hot in her own right, but the idea of dominating and breeding her to have a huge belly plays well into turning the tables on her overconfidence. 

14. Ramis, I know she isn't in the game yet, but check out Nonesuch's list and find her doc, babies by her will be able to conquer galaxies. She's a strong woman with equally strong appeal that pregnancy would increase to irresistibility.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I guess if I was to choose what draws me to pregnancy is the other stuff that it does to the body (like bigger breasts and hips and whatnot).

Inflation and Pregnancy tends to crossover a lot because they both involve bellies. I think what can draw them apart is that inflation can be a bit more cartoony at times/taken to higher limits but Pregnancy content does that sometimes too.

Most of the characters you picked are good but one i'd most want to see is Embry because MtF + Pregnancy = good shit to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
One of the things that I loved in CoC was that for preg-able characters, I could just keep them knocked up for all time. Edryn and Urta were regulars in that regard (and the scene where a pregnant hormonally overwrought Urta assraping my male PC was what broke my trepidation for herms pegging males). JimT was working on characters that would breed with Steele on his/her whim, but now that he's gone, welll... I gotta wonder how much of his work was finished enough to hit the backlog.

Embry, Reaha, Capn Khorgan, Anastasia (a character from Foxxling's ooooold ship encounter project), and the Naleen Huntress would be some picks I'd love for breeding. But who I reaaaaaally wanna see with a baby bump is... Nehzara. The stern, serious, and somewhat sardonic Myr gets very curious when approached by a gravid Steele, I like to imagine her going complete pregophile with a side of dom personality if a fertility treatment is ever made. Dommy pregnant women... oh yes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I guess if I was to choose what draws me to pregnancy is the other stuff that it does to the body (like bigger breasts and hips and whatnot).

Inflation and Pregnancy tends to crossover a lot because they both involve bellies. I think what can draw them apart is that inflation can be a bit more cartoony at times/taken to higher limits but Pregnancy content does that sometimes too.

Most of the characters you picked are good but one i'd most want to see is Embry because MtF + Pregnancy = good shit to me.

I get what you are saying about the similarities between inflation and pregnancy, the more...flexible pregnancy stuff out there does tend to cross into inflation. For me, I like to have a little more proportional in regards to visual pregnancy art. I have a threshold after which I go, "Nope, this is past the point of plausibility." Not going to knock those that like the extreme stuff, I just can't wrap my head around it.

I can't quite get the appeal of MtF as a fetish in an of itself, mostly because my mind just focuses on when the person becomes fully female. The process itself doesn't affect me, but I can see the appeal in it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I can't quite get the appeal of MtF as a fetish in an of itself, mostly because my mind just focuses on when the person becomes fully female. The process itself doesn't affect me, but I can see the appeal in it. 

I think it's more the thought of "This used to be a guy and now it's a girl" that gets people going for it. The process itself is fetish fuel.

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
For pregnancy, I like the effects it has on the body, but I also really like the sappier elements that can come with some of the scenarios. Like if it's gonna be a hit it and quit it type knocking up I kinda prefer it be oviposition, which I kinda like more than regular pregnancy stuff for a couple different reasons, but I'm not the biggest fan of in this game because of the constant updates that happen every time I take a step.

As for girl's I'd like to see have pregnancy options, I'd have to go with Xanthe and the Merchant Queen. Xanthe because I'm all about that tender bondage loving she dishes out and I'd like to see how her tender side comes out when pregnant, I also wanna see how her tauren body reacts to pregnancies. The Merchant Queen seems like a fun option too, since she see seems to see her role as a Queen as a nuisance and your sex scenes with her seem to be about getting her to enjoy sex again. I'd like to see that with her, but about learning to enjoy her role as broodmare.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I love pregnancy content and not just the body altering process. I enjoy seeing the motherly side of the characters. There´s also the part of me that  simply love the thought of knowing I knocked up the woman. There´s some sort of primal instinct there. It feels kind of like a form of domination and conquest.

As for npcs I´d love to see pregnant. Bess is an impossible dream, but I´m allowed to dream right? Can you imagine her reading out loud for our little child? It would´ve been so cute and lovely.

And I´d love to knock up Ellie, I want it to be my little swimmers who takes her by surprise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I bet Savin is wincing just looking at this.

Though in all seriousnes, I much prefer the lovey-dovey and cuddly shit around preg-content, rather than what it does to the body.


 Seeing Kiro pregnant would be awesome. 

I love pregnancy content and not just the body altering process. I enjoy seeing the motherly side of the characters.

Definitely agree with this.
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Aug 27, 2015
I aimed to make a character for Uveto who was all about the breeding. Unfortunately, it's been bumped waaaaaaaaay down the list.

One of the big problems with pregnancy in a bellyshell - time. It's not that we hate it so much we cannot countenance putting it in the game, it's such an arse-ache setting up and properly carrying through for NPCs. You've really got to have a passion for it to make it happen, like Thermic did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, with Jim gone, good luck getting any preg content written, and good luck getting any coded.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, with Jim gone, good luck getting any preg content written, and good luck getting any coded.

If somebody were to write it (for a character it makes sense with), it would totally get coded. That's not the problem at all.

I wouldn't write off the possibility of pregnancy content wholesale just yet. Not until Savin finally snaps and goes full Dr. Lash, sterilizing everyone in the game just to spite everyone that bothers him about it. ;)  

You say that, but Couch basically wrote Sterrilex just for that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For me pregnancy content give me a sense of primal pride.  It incorporates the feeling of "I am strong enough to find a mate(s) to bare my children." and "These are my offspring that I must protect and nurture as best as a father can." Some characters I would like for there to be this type of content for would be...

Embry- She's one of the characters I can say who are genuinely devoted to their relationship with the PC while continuing to work toward her goals. Staying true to her characters I have no doubt she would love to have a child with the PC. 

Penny- If one doesn't take her down either of the cum slut/bimbo routes then she'd probably make good mum or dad.

Aina- although her character isn't as fully expanded upon but with what she does have I actually really like her. I know she's in college and all but she lives on tarvos, the nursery is on tarvos. She use it like a free day care when she's in class. Besides my mom had me in college and graduated, then I continued and am currently in college. 

Venea huntress- although they a repeate encounter NPCs I think if you were able to knock up one then that one could be a repeat NPC and could be encountered during stages of her pregnancy or possibly in her own camp.  But that would require her to be named and written character. *Marks it down on things to write notepad*. Hehe...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
It's also a bit ironic that I say that, considering my plans to incorporate Sterilex into almost every NPC idea I've had thus far (most notably this first one).

But not... all of them. :)  

...I'm slightly intrigued.

OMG!!! HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE!!! Please don't give me hope just to mercilessly crush my expectations!

Just a little bit...
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Aug 26, 2015
You say that, but Couch basically wrote Sterrilex just for that.

Wrote it specifically because I'm a huge fan of vaginal and the other kink brought up in the OP, cumflation, in fact.  I make sure to write a blurb for it whenever possible.

If it makes sense, I enjoy the pregnant figure as a temporary thing, but actual pregnancy is a huge turnoff.  Cum inflation provides the display of an impossible level of virility from the male and the primal thrill of a girl with the look of pregnancy, without the messy parts of having to carry all that weight around afterward or the massive life-altering consequences of having a child with another person.  Cumflation also lets you keep having sex without having to walk on eggshells out of concern for the baby's health or other weirdness.  It gives me what I like about pregnant girls without the icky potentially-life-ruining parts.

As for milk, I just like milky girls in general, especially if they have exotic flavors like honey.  Combining it with inflation can be fun to complete the look, but I also just like seeing busty girls with spigots for nipples.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking as one of the, if not the obligate preggophile on the FoE writing team, this. So much this.

Slapping preg content onto a random character who was intended for something else completely and was never intended to accommodate such content can essentially break that character. It's one of the reasons that there are characters I've written who will never have such content, despite it being my particular kink. There have been requests to knock up, say, Cassidy, and the answer is always no.

The characters have to be planned from the outset to allow for proper preg content, because I sure as hell aren't going to be satisfied with a simple parser call to describe the preg in the first place. Cveta's follower doc has her appearance account for pregnancy progress, multiples, number of chicks she's had, lactation status, effects on her boobs right down to nipple colour, etc, etc - and this goes for the whole of the appearance section. Same thing goes for the character I'm writing up for the Super Sekrit Project(TM) - one whole section of her entire character arc is designed to revolve about what kind of mother she ends up as, depending on her corruption level.

Now try imagine shoehorning that retroactively into another character who wasn't planned for it. No, it doesn't work. It comes off half-assed, and serious preggophiles like me come off unsatisfied, and those who don't want to deal with it are annoyed. You've got to consider the setting, the character in question, if you have a reasonable excuse for the kids to hang around, for the lady in question to hang around.

Every character I've written preg content for has at least tried to take care of those issues beforehand, even if in lesser detail than what I reserve for my bird ladies. Isla. Moira. If anyone plays Flexible Survival, Nadia. If you're not going to do it properly and tack it on as an afterthought, better to not do it at all. 

I'll just say what I did in the last thread about this, still applies. By these standards, Embry is possibly the only character who has the groundwork laid out for her for this. I'm of the sort who thinks if you can't do it properly, half-assing it probably isn't going to work.

Quite the opposite.

Man I wish there was more lactation porn.

*Makes careful note of this.*


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Milk is delightful. Considering lactation is not even entirely dependent on pregnancy and more on the levels of progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin (among others) in the woman's system, all of which can be balanced through natural physical stimulation or drug-assisted methods even in our dreary non sci-fi world, I've always thought that lactation would be a much broader fetish than it actually is. It's not necessarily niche, but I wouldn't call it common. Not when you consider that, with a bit of effort and ambition, almost any woman can lactate at any point after puberty. There's lots of fun and intimacy to be had there, and then when you kick it to awesome extremes like TiTS does... Wow is it appealing. 

The nurturing aspect is what really gets me. There's a closeness that breastfeeding has, to give nourishment to another by virtue of your own biology... I'm probably making this sound very unsexy, aren't I? :p  

Not at all. It was also quite educating. (I learned some stuff from procrastinating today XD)

I love the nurturing part myself. One of the reasons I loved Marble :)

Man I wish there was more lactation porn.

Me too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Physical aspects of pregnancy and any related imagery all but guarantees my boner. Still, the emotional aspects of a happy, and, ideally, planned pregnancy hit me even harder. If my PC managed to built enough trust with the character and convince them to start a family, while not walking over them and their aspirations - I can't be happier.

I've learned to tame my expectations, so the only thing I hope for in my heart of hearts is an opportunity for Syri to someday become the perfect husband and dad I know she can be.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think what I like about pregnancy content was being able to do something other than sex when said person was pregnant. IIRC, Isla in FoE had content where you were to give her a belly or body rub and she fell asleep after the act. Very tender and endearing to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd prefer for the PC's pregnancies to get a bit of expansion first. As it stands the only people who give a flying fuck about you being knocked up are random people on the street and whoever is in charge of sending the baby retrieval pods. Which is weird because you'd think that your various lovers would have something to say about you getting knocked up.

And speaking of the baby retrieval pods, am I the only one who wonders if there will ever be an event where someone intercepts one and tries to extort the PC?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I like pregnancy stuff due to the primal need to breed being a very erotic idea to me. As others have said, it's that feeling of "I have created new life through the conquest of another" sort of thing. Also do appreciate the cuddly and romantic bits that go along with the process, which is why I appreciated CoC's stuff since you were pretty involved in either your own or others you knocked up's pregnancies.

As for who I'd like to knock up, whether or not it ever happen, would be:

Reaha = she seems like someone who'd really enjoy it, and seems to miss her family somewhat. I'd imagine she'd try to have her kids avoid the pitfalls she went through.

Embry = It was already planned and very much works with her personality.

Bess = There was plans for Bess to be knocked up, I found them funny since Bess would try to micromanage your kids and get them to be super geniuses and the best schools and other funny stuff.

Naleen Female = I forget if its already in the game, but if I remember correctly the scene for it was very heart-warming when she comes to you with the child after its born. Not sure if I just read that in a doc, or its already in.

The Vanae = Its an entire race that exists just to get knocked up, sadly Jim left before finishing the two Vanae NPC's he was going to introduce that were set around getting knocked up. The Vanae Maiden in particular was very interesting.

Saendra = This one is more for after her adventures are over, as a epilogue sort of thing, I would like to see the possibility of settling down with her and having kids. But for the here and now its way to dangerous and wouldn't make much sense.

Syri = For Syri it wouldn't be knocking her up, so much as me getting knocked up by her. But again this is an "after the adventure is over" kinda thing, for the here and now Syri is having too much fun to be saddled down with the burden of being a father.

Anzhela = This one is a maybe, while I would like it as a possiblity, I also realize she's got a career and would be much too busy to have and raise kids. 

Kiro = The scene where she lets you take her virginity was touching, and I think I'd like the idea of having kits with Kiro. Either me or her being the mother would work really, and I can see her settling down once the romping all over the galaxy bit gets old for her.

While there are others I'd be interested in knocking up, these are the main ones I could think, of in no particular order. Though for the bulk of them, now isn't really the time to do that sort of thing. Most characters have goals and lots of stuff to do before they'd even consider settling down with Steele, which while sad is understandable.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Pregnancy, birth, et al. are all just some of the reasons why I LOVED CoC and Breeding season, preferably as a non-shitbag male human fathering all kinds of half-breed kids. Unfortunately, when most of the types of porn you like are almost ALWAYS used for rape, mind break - y'know all that cringey violent shit that hentai (and most western) artists use gets fucking depressing after all, I just can't enjoy it.

Characters like Tamani, Amily, Marble, Urta, etc, drew me in; after literally thousands of hentai ovas, doujin.mangas. and games, I finally found ONE game where you didn't have to play a mindbroken female husk birthing a worms or litter of monsters or something.

Not at all. It was also quite educating. (I learned some stuff from procrastinating today XD)

I love the nurturing part myself. One of the reasons I loved Marble :)

Me too.

Me three, That's why cowgirls/holstaur are some of my favorite races of monstergirls. FUCKED UP there's not a lot of them out there (grumble*especially in here* grumble)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think what I like about pregnancy content was being able to do something other than sex when said person was pregnant. IIRC, Isla in FoE had content where you were to give her a belly or body rub and she fell asleep after the act. Very tender and endearing to me.

That's the kinda stuff I generally like seeing. That, or just being with them, comforting them whilst they're going through a rough time. (Unless, of course, pregnancies are benign in these smut-worlds.)