a shit show

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How dare Fen try and make money off porn.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have no idea what people expect from a muscled amazon with not one, but TWO giant horse dongers.
I do agree with most of what you said, but in response to this I have to ask: "Have you ever heard of a character called Ebonhorn?


Well-Known Member
A-are you conditioning me? I feel as though you're trying to tell me something subconsciously... but I don't know what it is. That's just my opinion though.

Nope, just stating an opinion your choice if you agree or disagree with it.

That's your opinion certainly, everyone has one. They're like assholes, everyone has one but no one wants to smell them.

Well your partly wrong about smelling assholes.

I enjoy smelling other people's assholes. They smell lovely and they give me a nice hard-on.

I not joking either.

I think you uh, you missed the joke...

I got the joke it was funny, even if my inner grammar Nazi's were screaming his and her head off.

I have more then one grammar Nazi inside me I have at least two.

In a personal stance, I don't like two thirds of NPC's in-game, and actually hate a dozen or so. Still, I see no use on spilling my dislike towards them on the forum, besides the ocassional: "I don't like X that much because X, but it's okay if you do."

That said, i've grown fond of some NPC's due how well written are they, Brandy beign one of the best examples (despike me hating big breasts and not being attracted to females in any way).

Diversity is good, as long as it isn't forced, and I'm pretty sure that most of the devs have this on mind when coding the few scenes containing fetishes considered a bit extreme.

Again, was OPINION was not trying to offend anybody but are also a small few things (small kiddie pool amount of things) that I actualy like about T.I.T.S game as well.

Feel free to ask what I like about it (it a very short list) so far.

How dare Fen try and make money off porn.

They are my OPINIONS but I have my reasons for them, there are very small ways my cash grab OPINION could change but Fen and Co. seem unwilling to do those very small ways but that is fine (I don't hold it against them in any way) I'll just keep my cash grab OPINION as is in that case for now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I feel like this thread just turned into a powder keg.

@zelda_fan6284 You need to


Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Maybe you can explain, how you came to your opinions so we can better understand your position. I'm sure what ever grievances you have, has an answer.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it." - Voltaire

This quote, sums up what I think about your opinion. I dont agree with it but I do understand that it is YOUR OPINION, I simply want to know how you came to it so we can better understand each other. (That includes everyone else)

Besides, I dont think you want to start trouble.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
This is an example of a poor post. In the future, post better.
And there's the spark. I'll be leaving now.


Well-Known Member
See, Zelda, the thing about opinions is that sometimes they're dumb, really dumb.

True, true they can be, especially Donald Trump's opinions just about anything he says is dumb or beyond dumb. My opinions are nowhere near that level I put alot of thought into my opinions unlike Trump.

I feel like this thread just turned into a powder keg.

@zelda_fan6284 You need to


I'm quite calm at this time as calm as a still ocean.

Love the pic b.t.w. :)


Maybe you can explain, how you came to your opinions so we can better understand your position. I'm sure what ever grievances you have, has an answer.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it." - Voltaire

This quote, sums up what I think about your opinion. I don't agree with it but I do understand that it is YOUR OPINION, I simply want to know how you came to it so we can better understand each other. (That includes everyone else)

I'd be happy to explain. My reasoning is very logical too, very much like a Vulcan.

Which opinion did you wish to hear on first?

Besides, I don't think you want to start trouble.

I have no desire to start any trouble at this time, I just wanted my voice heard.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
Random tits fact:
Most men and some women like them.

Requirement fulfilled? Cool.

@zelda_fan6284 So the thing about suggesting that TiTs is a cash grab is naive, insulting, and it assumes a lot. Answer these questions. Why is it a "Cash Grab" to be paid for producing a product? Are you suggesting that TiTs should be free? Why shouldn't someone make money for spending time to create content? If they were literally copying CoC code and pasting it under a new skin, you'd have something. And I don't mean base code, since code re-usability is important in programming. I mean copying and pasting code/content and everything else. As this game stands a lot of time seems to be spent tackling different coding challenges that didn't come up in CoC and writing/reviewing content. Without an audit of hours, it's quite an accusation to say otherwise.

You can have a gripe about something sure, but unless you can prove that the various tits workers (lol?) don't actually work every week then you're essentially accusing them of asking to be paid for working. How dare they?

Is tits as a project perfect?

Hell no.

Could it be handled better?

Probably, but I don't see you putting a game together.

Willing to bet you just enjoy the drama of causing problems in forum/comments, especially since your first post on this thread had nothing to do with the quote you were using.

@NotYouNorI I have not. Do tell

Random Tits fact 2: "TiTs is an erotic flash based text game."
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Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

I would like to hear both, but to start out with:
Also I feel T.I.T.S Game is a cash grab but that also my opinion and a not popular one either but I stand by my opinions.

I think this one on everyone's mind.

So if you dont mind me asking; What led you to this opinion? I myself am rather curious on this.

I personally dont think the game is a cash grab, and I think its a game developed by passionate people who are funded by average (Maybe Strange) everyday people. Im ignorant to the idea that someone would have your opinion and would like to know how it arose.


Dude calm down. They are not throwing salt and vinegar right now, At least not yet...

Let them speak before you put in you take on this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015

I would like to hear both, but to start out with:

I think this one on everyone's mind.

So if you dont mind me asking; What led you to this opinion? I myself am rather curious on this.

I personally dont think the game is a cash grab, and I think its a game developed by passionate people who are funded by average (Maybe Strange) everyday people. Im ignorant to the idea that someone would have your opinion and would like to know how it arose.


Dude calm down. They are not throwing salt and vinegar right now, At least not yet...

Let them speak before you put in you take on this.

I'm pretty calm at the moment. I asked a series of questions. Like you did. Was I frothing at the keyboard? I bet i was frothing at the keyboard. The question zelda_fan is asking has crossed my mind. Which is why i'm asking him specifically what makes the game a cash grab.

I've got some issues with the way TiTs is handled. As a backer, I'm pretty irate when the blog goes silent for weeks, or fen mentions taking off to play a game. I'd be curious to hear if he has the same complaints. I never said that his complaints were not worth hearing.

Not sure where you got the idea that I'm frosty. I'm pretty ok at the moment. I just expect someone to make an actual argument with reasoning provided when a claim like this is made. As much as I hate those previously mentioned project quirks, I have no way of knowing how much time is spent on the project, so I try not to make uninformed accusations. I'd like to know why zelda_fan feels so confident with the ones that he/she is making.

Random TiTs fact #3: My tits are calm.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

So if you dont mind me asking; What led you to this opinion? I myself am rather curious on this.

I personally dont think the game is a cash grab, and I think its a game developed by passionate people who are funded by average (Maybe Strange) everyday people. Im ignorant to the idea that someone would have your opinion and would like to know how it arose.

Let them speak before you put in you take on this.

I dont' want to speak for him, but I guess that may have something to do with the Public/Backer build rate of release:

-Public Build: Each 3-4 Backer Builds.

-Public Build: Once a month, usually around 8-9, but sometimes delayed by various reasons.

Also, there was something about a "year of free TITS", mainly a year will all-public builds, once the third planet (New Texas?/Myrellion?) were finished. That idea was dropped long ago, and since then we've had Canadia and Uveto.

That stated, as non-backer, I keep to myself any particular opinion about how this stuff is handled, since I'm not paying for anything, after all.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I dont' want to speak for him, but I guess that may have something to do with the Public/Backer build rate of release:

-Public Build: Each 3-4 Backer Builds.

-Public Build: Once a month, usually around 8-9, but sometimes delayed by various reasons.

Also, there was something about a "year of free TITS", mainly a year will all-public builds, once the third planet (New Texas?/Myrellion?) were finished. That idea was dropped long ago, and since then we've had Canadia and Uveto.

That stated, as non-backer, I keep to myself any particular opinion about how this stuff is handled, since I'm not paying for anything, after all.

The year of free wasnt cancelled, just...... postponed.

From what I have seen and heard, they want at least ship mechanics in before they begin the year. They will do it, just.... not now.
I cant say anything about the build rate, because honestly, I dont know exactly what you wrote and what it is trying to tell me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Simply put, before there used to be 4-5 builds ar month, so you had some months with 2 public builds. Now that has been stated that will only be one free build at the start of the month, that isn't a possibility anymore.


Well-Known Member
@Alabaster Chimes, @Medge

OK, I am gonna try to explain my reasoning as best and as logical as I am able at this time some of it may or may not seem rather silly but please bear with me on this I'm not always the best with my words so I to do in short bursts of words but I rambling and besides the point.

Also cash grab may or may not be right word but was best one I could think of.

Also as a side note: I follow a strong code of honor and if something doesn't sit well with my code of honor I am honor bound to at least say something till it gets remedied.

Another side note: I would have the same opinion even if I were a backer.

Here goes.

Here is how I see it backer releases are about 6 to 8 releases a month usually roughly and public release only once and at start of month roughly, this past month backer releases were about 10 to 12 and public still only got one to me that hardly seems honorable or right for public releases only once a month, I was more will to let slide (but less then happy about it) at 6 to 8 but 10 to 12 hardly seems honorable or right for public only once a month in this case and makes it feel/seem very cash grabby to me.

Another side note: Also I recall Fen at some point in a stream or D and D or something mentioned being able to push releases out more easy now.

The solution to me seems fairly simple to me and quite honorable and right. The solution: Just add an extra but small/tiny public update mid month.

OK I have said my piece, I hope I was concise and respectful enough without upsetting too many people.

(gives an honorable and respectful bow)

Again is an opinion take it or leave it. Thank you for listening.

Plus sorry if I seemed insulting in any of my posts wasn't my intention.

Question: What be a better word instead of cash grab?

If it helps I'll use that word instead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems fair, and it the backer-public rate is very similar to the one that the game had at the beginning of the developement. But devs may not see it that way.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
mentioned being able to push releases out more easy now.
Yes they can push smaller releases more easily now. They can now push a build everytime they code something rather than waiting for a few things to pile up and then push a build. This is why theres been an increase in the NUMBER of backer builds, but the amount of content being released monthly hasn't magically increased.

The solution to me seems fairly simple to me and quite honorable and right. The solution: Just add an extra but small/tiny public update mid month.
Sorry but this just screams entitlement.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Sorry but this just screams entitlement.
Agreed. And if anything the monthly wait between pub builds at least allows us to have the more polished (More of less) product by the time it's out, rather than one that can have the potential bug sneaking up on you.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

....... Ok. So you simply used the wrong words to describe your feelings......Ok
I dont know how that is remotely cash-grabby, but I dont think you went the right way explaining it.

Unless, your insinuating that Fen is deliberately doing this to push you into becoming a backer so you can play more content at a good pace.

Because in my opinion thats no where near the case. I hope thats not what you think cause thats a big accusation, not an opinion. Read the post above yours. Misty did a good job explaining where claims like that can lead to bad instances.

If the public build spacing is that bad for you to make that claim, then I suggest asking Fen. Though, everything and everyone knows, he doesn't need the headache.


Well-Known Member
Unless, your insinuating that Fen is deliberately doing this to push you into becoming a backer so you can play more content at a good pace.

Because in my opinion that is no where near the case. I hope that is not what you think cause that is a big accusation, not an opinion. Read the post above yours. Misty did a good job explaining where claims like that can lead to bad instances.

That thought hadn't even occurred to me till just now, please try not to put bad ideas in my head.

If the public build spacing is that bad for you to make that claim, then I suggest asking Fen. Though, everything and everyone knows, he doesn't need the headache.

I try to be respectful and not pester them too often.

I also doubt they would listen to little old me as a non-backer. (sighs)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Misty is always mad. But it's not at me this time. :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015

Mostly a mis-use of words. Most games in this vein are purely pay to play, so on the whole, TiTs is a very good deal. I can understand wanting new content faster, but at least its free and mostly tested when it reaches the public.

@noobsaleh Nah, my comment is mostly a jab about an earlier post when I explained (not nearly as well) the same thing as misty.

I'm not sure why she's not mad at you though. You make it so easy!


Well-Known Member
Misty is always mad. But it's not at me this time. :D


Mostly a miss-use of words. Most games in this vein are purely pay to play, so on the whole, TiTs is a very good deal. I can understand wanting new content faster, but at least its free and mostly tested when it reaches the public.

@noobsaleh Nah, my comment is mostly a jab about an earlier post when I explained (not nearly as well) the same thing as misty.

I'm not sure why she's not mad at you though. You make it so easy!

Someone is always mad at me in R.L without me even trying to make anybody mad, I censor myself a ton on here.

I also in R.L can make others laugh without even trying, I'm great at parties especially with the ladies. ;)

No pics of Donald trump?