A Return After Four Years


Aug 19, 2016
Yo wassup fellow space racers. Yea so I just got back into the game and was wondering about the story content, whether it's been added unto, the same, etc... General news with the games progressions main story and planet wise. My friend started playing recently and said he couldn't get to the third planet and I remember there being like 5, like 4 main ones, the snow planet, deserty planet, etc... is saw the legacy edition, which is most likely the one I played and stuff.

So yeah, just general news on that specific topic. Did the change to java change things, and now the game just has to catch up once editing and things are updated to do. Thigns to that nature, so I'm up to speed.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
So yeah, just general news on that specific topic. Did the change to java change things, and now the game just has to catch up once editing and things are updated to do. Thigns to that nature, so I'm up to speed.
They are just rebuilding it basically from flash to Javascript I'm sure everything will be back to where it was in time. They also added a new UI.


Well-Known Member
The Flash version definitely has more content than when you left off: the most recent addition is the fifth main planet, Dhaal. The JavaScript version has the following benefits:
  • We don't have to worry about the death of Flash anymore
  • Systems that were previously just messily hacked together because they weren't initially planned for are rebuilt from the ground up
  • It can be played on mobile (or at least, it will be; mobile compatibility isn't that high of a priority right now)
  • The hacking minigame is much more advanced, and the Lights Out minigame has its own UI now
  • Custom PC busts
  • The map can be popped out; you can also use it to "fast"-travel to a specific tile (it moves you there through the quickest path, without you having to manually input each movement) and there's plans for it to include a fog-of-war mechanic to make gameplay feel more like exploring
  • It looks prettier overall
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
  • The map can be popped out; you can also use it to "fast"-travel to a specific tile (it moves you there through the quickest path, without you having to manually input each movement) and there's plans for it to include a fog-of-war mechanic to make gameplay feel more like exploring
It can? I know the feature was previewed, but I can't move by clicking on a tile, so I don't think it's in yet.
That said, having the map out is the only way to see it and your Active/Combat stats at the same time.

1. Fenoxo was talking about writing 'the Myrellion peace path'. I don't know if that will be delayed until the game has caught up to the Flash version or not.
2. Ships have an internal map. This was planned from the start (I think) but was scrapped because of the way Ships got implemented. With the port, they'll likely be more like they were originally planned. Ships are actively being worked on, but only one is available right now.
3. There are lots of bugs. Keep backup saves. They put out a new build at least once a week.
4. Backers are one planet ahead of the Public (Tarkus->Myrellion, currently). Last I heard, Uveto was accessible through the Ice Queen Distress Call. May be closed off in more recent versions, as it's technically a bug.
5. You have Storage at the Tavros Apartment/Nursery.
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