A parasite and/or sstd for breast birthing


New Member
Dec 13, 2017
My idea is either going to be: (still formulating it)

1. An insect that, while breasts are exposed for a long period of time outdoors, oviposits eggs into them. (Leaning to this one)

2. An SSTD that is contracted from exposure to breast milk that infects PCs breasts.

Either way will lead to breast growth, lactation, and either egg or live birth from nipples.

And this is the point that I should say I'm new to the forum and would like feedback on these ideas and if I'm not posting this where it should go let me know that too.
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Mar 26, 2017
I did read those and plan on "doing it myself"
Did I post in the wrong forum or something?

Nooo, we just get so many 'oh I think this should be in the game' threads by people who don't want to actually write it in.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i support you
but does the game?


Mar 26, 2017
i support you
but does the game?

On a technical stand point, it doesn't sound... too complicated but I wouldn't know.

From a 'is this acceptable content' standpoint... it's not against the rules but it wouldn't receive any kind of priority I don't think. Very specific/kinda gross niche.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Fuckable nipples and rodenian reproduction are a thing. One would expect alien things in a game about aliens, so as long as OP can write it and someone can code it into the game...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
On a technical stand point, it doesn't sound... too complicated but I wouldn't know.

From a 'is this acceptable content' standpoint... it's not against the rules but it wouldn't receive any kind of priority I don't think. Very specific/kinda gross niche.

Fuckable nipples and rodenian reproduction are a thing. One would expect alien things in a game about aliens, so as long as OP can write it and someone can code it into the game...

looks like we're golden guys
go for it op, i believe in you


New Member
Dec 13, 2017
Does anyone know if there is already a "breast pregnacy" is a existing mechanic for the PC? I see that multiple vaginas means you have multiple wombs. I assume nipplecunts don't produce a birthing perk for breasts.


Sep 26, 2017
Well TiTs has pregnancy mechanic for both ass and womb pregnancies, so a breast pregnancy shouldn't be too hard to implement. Also, CoC had a masturbation scene you could lay eggs into your nipples (you don't give birth though).
So it's possible, but you'd have to write the scenes for it.


New Member
Dec 13, 2017
Thanks, I was just contemplating the complexity, since I don't know how to code.

I am working on an outline and hope to post it soon.
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Annick Nijm

Active Member
Dec 11, 2017
If you're into that sort of thing, I would recommend to first exploit the nipplecunts that are already in the game. If, say, Nyreans, tentacle beasts and Venus pitchers can target nipplecunts, then you have a better chance that breast pregnancy might be added to the game.

Maybe try to write or modify (cf Venus pitcher)... half a dozen scenes for the PNCs you like the most involving fuckable nipples and if this content bundle is accepted, maybe go for a new enemy specifically aiming nipplecunts.

I think it's your best bet to see it making into the game because Fenoxo is -understandably- not super keen to add new mechanics if they'll get 0 support later. So by strengthening an existing one first and expand on it later, you have better chances to see your entry accepted and implemented.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
I really lile your idea, like a lot, but wouldn't it be better to make it be part of the character customization option when the pc takes at least 4-5 galomax pills? I mean it would make more sense, plus if u can have fuckable or dicknipples or even have mouths for nipples, why not just make it part of that option


Oct 15, 2016
I fully support this endeavor, OP. And as someone who is not into fuckable nipples (vagina or lips or just big enough to take a 12" dick), or huge breasts in general, I urge you to include regular breasts in the purview of what your little insects can affect. As far as coding complexity, that's a fair point. There is currently no system in place for things growing in, and being birthed from, your breasts, afaik, so were I you I would probably draft up the doc with considerations for both the game having no such system (ie, your system for growing the PC's breasts, and tracking growth of the insects, and whatever effects are tied to it are completely new, and you have plenty of freedom but much less chance to get it into the game any time soon), and the game having one that gets added some time in the near future, probably based on the current mechanics for womb or ass pregnancies (which you'd obviously have to revise when the details of such a system would be added).
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