A few questions

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
I've got a few questions

.can fox tails be changed to a different type of tail without reducing the number of tails

.if the answer to the above question is yes then if you change the tail type will you still keep the nine tails perk even if your nine tails are no longer fox tails

.the omnibus gift says it will turn all your cocks to demon cocks is demon cocks included in the demon morph transformation or do I specifically need omnibus gift

.if I turn corrupt Jojo to tentacle Jojo will he still be able to work at the corrupt farm

.when you get the third piercing from ceraph if you are a herm does it become a clit piercing a cock piercing random or does it attach to both also if you have multiple dicks and or vaginas does attach to all of them or just a specific one

And the last question I can think of of the top of my head is what is the current level cap

P.s. sorry about the wall of text I'm just really excited about creating this specific character 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've got a few questions

.can fox tails be changed to a different type of tail without reducing the number of tails

.if the answer to the above question is yes then if you change the tail type will you still keep the nine tails perk even if your nine tails are no longer fox tails

.the omnibus gift says it will turn all your cocks to demon cocks is demon cocks included in the demon morph transformation or do I specifically need omnibus gift

.if I turn corrupt Jojo to tentacle Jojo will he still be able to work at the corrupt farm

.when you get the third piercing from ceraph if you are a herm does it become a clit piercing a cock piercing random or does it attach to both also if you have multiple dicks and or vaginas does attach to all of them or just a specific one

And the last question I can think of of the top of my head is what is the current level cap

P.s. sorry about the wall of text I'm just really excited about creating this specific character 

Not all question I can answer so will try go with those I could leaving others for others people.

Fox tails - no you can't have more than 1 tail unless it's fox tails so when you change from fox/kitsune tails to any other type it always no matter how many kitsune tails you had before fuse into singular tail of different tail. So to second question nope when you not have nine fox tails be it from pure or corrupted path connected to this perks won't work so yeah you want have those two nifty perks then you need keep those fox tails (since I usualy goes for them I know personaly how hard sometimes is to keep them from TF into other type of tail -_-')

Afaik demon cocks can be gained by using incubus draft quite easy.

For Jojo I can't say anything.

For ceraph I only partial sure if its case with herm it would be like most things in game 50/50 chance for either of them to happen (something like with corrupted marae giving perks for herm it's half/half chance for male/female version of perks).

CoC not have any lvl cap it's just the bigger difference between PC lvl and enemies lvl the less XP you get down to amazing 1 XP which mean after some point you will have none repeatable enemy giving you more than 1 XP so around...I think 30 lvl or so lvl-ing becoming really grindfest like in asian MMO's.

So that what I can answer to my best knowledge on your questions. Hopefully it at least partialy sated your curiousity.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Thank you for the info you were able to give

I just thought of another question what role/benefits are there for bath slut in the corrupted farm since she can either work there in her cured form or be installed there in her default form so I'm curious if I should cure her or not
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Oct 21, 2015
One more item about levels. If you want to get to an extremely high level, just level to about 20 or so where you still get a decent amount of XP from encounters. Then grind, grind, and grind some more collecting XP and DO NOT LEVEL UP. Just keep accumulating XP until you have enough so that when you actually do level up, you can get there. The maximum effective level is about level 40. Reason for that is at level 20 with max stats, you have the maximum health and higher levels won't get you any more. And by about level 40, you will also have acquired all the possible perks you could get from leveling. So anything higher than about 40 is just a number, but no increase in your actual capabilities.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tbh if PC not go to Lethice Stronghold or later try fight Marae to gather in such fasion exp can be done around 15th lvl as then all repeatable encounters are still quite easy and all we doing is to boredom repeating explore-fight-win.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
I've thought of another question how do get a anemone penis its one of the requirements for giving birth to kid a but the shriveled tentacle doesn't change your penis


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've thought of another question how do get a anemone penis its one of the requirements for giving birth to kid a but the shriveled tentacle doesn't change your penis

Currently the only way of getting an anemone penis is to get impregnated by the anemone. The first 'child' will attach itself to the PC as an anemone penis right after the birth.  The next child will be Kid A and all subsequent children will leave for the lake right after being born.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Sorry to keep adding to this post but if you get ceraph as a slave without getting any of her piercings will you be able to have her add the piercings later or do you have to fight her with no basic attack and a tease that raises your own lust as well

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Big question does anyone have a good strategy for fighting kelt I was level 6 with double attack a pipe and gel armor and he nearly one shoted me and before anyone brings it up I can't use the beautiful sword because my corruption is 100 when I get around to fighting him


Oct 21, 2015
Only thing I can think about with Kelt is to either be higher level or use the Jeweled Rapier with a rapier skill of 4 (that is actually the best weapon in the game if you have the skill, not the beautiful sword). But in order to get the required rapier skill, you need to meet Raphael;'s approval in body types and somehow I doubt that you currently do. 

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Only thing I can think about with Kelt is to either be higher level or use the Jeweled Rapier with a rapier skill of 4 (that is actually the best weapon in the game if you have the skill, not the beautiful sword). But in order to get the required rapier skill, you need to meet Raphael;'s approval in body types and somehow I doubt that you currently do. 

Thank u for the advice my last fight with kelt was a different file I don't yet know how to save so I'm just running a bunch of test files on my tablet until I have the knowledge of how to save as well as all the info as to how actually do my file
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dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Only thing I can think about with Kelt is to either be higher level or use the Jeweled Rapier with a rapier skill of 4 (that is actually the best weapon in the game if you have the skill, not the beautiful sword). But in order to get the required rapier skill, you need to meet Raphael;'s approval in body types and somehow I doubt that you currently do. 

How do you get Raphael to give you the red body suit it supposedly given on the first visit if you don't tick him off but no matter what I try hr won't give it cause I've tried all three options while making sure I had space in both my inventory and chest


Oct 21, 2015
How do you get Raphael to give you the red body suit it supposedly given on the first visit if you don't tick him off but no matter what I try hr won't give it cause I've tried all three options while making sure I had space in both my inventory and chest

Raphael gives you the body suit on the 2nd visit.

The 1st visit is when you catch him attempting to steal from you.

The 2nd visit is the delivery of the body suit and jeweled necklace.

3rd and further are when you actually wear the body suit.

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
So can I break kelt/rape marble after I start corrupting the farm if so will raping marble still get me kicked out after I start corrupting the farm and if not will marble still be there after I rape her

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
One last question this one is kind of stupid but is it possible to use both the dragon egg shield and a one handed weapon say the beautiful sword at the same time


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends on if you're playing vanilla CoC or the CoC-Revamp-Mod.

In Vanilla CoC, no.  CoC doesn't have shields as a functional item type, so the Dragon-Shell Shield is actually a weapon.

In CoC-Revamp-Mod, yes.  The mod added shields as a item type, so the Dragon-Shell Shield was reclassified as an actual shield.  Thus, you can equip it and a one-handed weapon.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In Vanilla CoC and Revamp CoC, is it possible to get more than two cocks and if so, how would I go about doing so?

dra suzumebachi

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2015
Depends on if you're playing vanilla CoC or the CoC-Revamp-Mod.

In Vanilla CoC, no.  CoC doesn't have shields as a functional item type, so the Dragon-Shell Shield is actually a weapon.

In CoC-Revamp-Mod, yes.  The mod added shields as a item type, so the Dragon-Shell Shield was reclassified as an actual shield.  Thus, you can equip it and a one-handed weapon.

I'm not really sure I play on e621 and don't know which they have if it is vanilla where would I go for the revamp mod aside from the shields what else is different about the revamp mod also after the equinium fiasco I had on the test file for the character that is gonna use sword and shield I've got to ask is there a reliable way to become a centaur or do I absolutely need the randomness of equinium running the risk of becoming a horse before I get centaur lower body

In Vanilla CoC and Revamp CoC, is it possible to get more than two cocks and if so, how would I go about doing so?

Incubi draft and purified incubi draft can give up to 12 cocks I believe I stopped using them in the test file at 60 in long and I think 6 in thick purified it will mess with your masculinity and cocks without transforming you into a demon morph or raising corruption like regular does


Jun 2, 2016
hi i revive this because i have a question :)

so i startet CoC 2-3 weeks ago. and i did look first in wiki now the situation :

i cleared Tower of the Phoenix. But the queen died and ther was no dead scene.

i got that information that she is dead, after i got back to the tower to find her staff with the description she is dead.

so my question is if i let her life. can i meet her again like the sand mother or in the story ?

wiki says only: Found at the very end of Tower of the Phoenix during the Hel quest chain.

i dont know what to do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i cleared Tower of the Phoenix. But the queen died and ther was no dead scene.

i got that information that she is dead, after i got back to the tower to find her staff with the description she is dead.

so my question is if i let her life. can i meet her again like the sand mother or in the story ?

wiki says only: Found at the very end of Tower of the Phoenix during the Hel quest chain.

That harpy queen that are giving birth to phoenixes can be meet only once right as wiki said at as the final boss in Tower dungeon. Additionaly her been dead mean Hel killed her not PC.

There is nothing you can do normaly to make her revive. Only if you got save before entering tower you can enounter her or if you edit save to make all flags connected to tower dungeon reseted to stte before entering there (so then you can once again run throu this dungeon). One more soultion is to start new game and as normal get to the point of going to tower but this I assume isn;t what you want as it would mean you need start from zero whole game.


Jun 2, 2016
so the harpy queen is a 1 time only thing. dead or alive both the same thing. becaus i will never meet the harpy queen agein.

and of course i have a save befor entering the tower

and i dont plan on edit my save ^^


ty Ormael


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah pretty much each enemy in dungeon aside few exceptions are one time encounters that are gone after you meet them. Only few enemies in sand witches dung and vala in deep cave are the ones which won't vanish after you encounter them once. I still thou thinkng about dungeon that unless PC do something would have reapearing again enemies...I wonder if people would find this idea for dungeon interesting.


Jun 2, 2016
i like that idea. the 3-4 dungeons that i did are now there and that it nothing more(excluding Sand Witch Dungeon)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nice to hear it...seems like I would be more inclined to include such dung in future in my coc mod. But dungeons now in coc are looks a little blamant. They sometimes feel for me like one time event that only is most complicated one compared to simple one time scenes. But I not sure if much can be done to make each of current existing dungeons worth to visit again. Those for main quest after clearing them loosing purse which was advance main quest. There was some plans of reopening factory if PC not destroyed controls so maybe ithis one cold be way to make factory dung filled with some new enemies to fight afterward. But others ones aside witch one are still empty when PC clean them.


Jun 2, 2016
sading but true

Nevertheless,i am looking forward for the future CoC mods ^^