A choose your own adventure game plays out ITT

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
It was raining. It was always raining - maybe not here, no, but always when you were on a job. It was always raining, it was always night. Often times it wasn't raining hard, merely a little drizzle, just something that made your footsteps insufferably wet as you prowled around. It was a little worse then usual, but nothing your deflector-umbrella couldn't stave off. In a pinch, it cast a misty fog in the air, making visibility a little suspect. Maybe that could be of use? Every tip and trick when you were racing through the hyper-urbanized streets, neon and glimmer and alleys and grime and all.

But that would be for later. It might not even be raining later, though you knew it would be. It always way.

It was raining. You were in an alley way; a remarkably clean one as far as alleys go, with only a pair of practically alley-mandated dumpsters on either end and a few soggy, flat piles of cardboard making a muck of an otherwise oddly clear passage way, even if it was still a fairly gloomy one. The lights from the street were bright at night, brighter in the rain. You were used to finding your way through the darkness, too. It was no issue.

Water cascaded down the brick walls on either side, save at one point; a stairway. An emergency one that was faaaar to tall to actually save anyone, though that was the nature of the building. Of course, it wasn't accessible; the ladder to access it or, rather, to go down it was kept locked up tight in its stowed position high up in the air. You could make that jump.

Though you might get wet. No, you would get wet. That might be a little problematic.

The front door was an option, too. You only dashed into the alley for a moment to get stock of the situation. You're not supposed to actually be at your destination, though - as far as they're concerned, anyway. You'd be under heavy scrutiny just by your ears alone, everyone would know what you are. People don't like to let your types into parties like that, even if half the people there were your sort of people.

You were a spy. No, that's not quite descriptive. Spies were ordinary people who slipped information to people they socially weren't supposed to, acting on someone else's payroll. Spies were just some backstabbers who observed, wrote, and hit send. No, you are... a special agent. You're that glamorous ideal of a spy, the sort with a "licence to kill" and the intrinsic nature to get in a high speed chase-shootout during assignments. Sort of. None the less, that's the kind of person you were.

And you were on assignment, too. Glancing up - beyond the stairwell - you see wide windows casting brilliant light along the other building and streets below. There's a party up there. And you need something from it, something very dear to the holder and something very dear to the confederacy.

Which, of course, means it's very dear to your sort of people. The sort of people everyone knew you were at a glance. It was hard being a subtle-spy when you had that hanging over your shoulder. Oh well.

You were still better then them.

How do you proceed?

Welcome! This is a CYOA in democratic, forum-mob stylings that you may have seen here and there before. How it works is that you input commands - in bold, if you would please - in masse. Some of the most empty quotes of agreement with someone else's answer or similar inputs will be taken in, as well as other inputs that I take more or less at random. People with colored names will have far more presence in the "vote," as they're the people I care about. After some modest time has passed slash I get around to it again, the next post will ring out and so the story goes, until you reach an end state, good or bad.

The writing quality of this may vary, it won't be the spectacularly edited stuff you're used to from Fen-Industries, no. Present-past tense will probably vary around because I'm usually writing it up on the spot so fuck you, but none the less you ought to enjoy it just fine. You ARE in the TiTS universe, though you're not getting a lot of information here, huh? Maybe you'll put things together.

I will say this, though; the outcome of this will probably be reflected in the game proper at some point, assuming I actually complete my lofty endeavors.


How do you proceed?


Aug 26, 2015
Being a secret agent of the kind we are means not caring that we draw attention for being the only British man at a Chinese casino.  Let's take the front door.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Being a secret agent of the kind we are means not caring that we draw attention for being the only British man at a Chinese casino.  Let's take the front door.

Pretty much this. Head on in with as much pomp and swagger as we can manage, like we're some rich big-shot here to do... casino things. 

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
>Examine self.

>Perform a quick tactical rundown of our mission, then strut to the front door.

WMG time: what are we? 

Did you think it'd be this easy? Besides, no matter how many fancy sequins you might have across your dress, they were no mirror!

>Talk to Q-brand to figure out the bar layout before entering.

Even in a more overt, militant situation you wouldn't have such an ability; communications were woefully easy to breach, after all. A military team would brief well before entering a situation - and you were no military team. Mostly. Not only do you not have any means of communications or "codec," but you hardly had assistance on this assignment. You were to fight alone, succeed alone, die alone.

It was a lonely gig. This time, anyway.

>Kill Jester.

It would take some time to assemble the various pistol pieces on your person - and, er, there's no jesters present.

Being a secret agent of the kind we are means not caring that we draw attention for being the only British man at a Chinese casino.  Let's take the front door.

What did I say about bold you dense motherfu-

You breath in relief as you make your way through the auto-opening doors of the lobby, your blue-tinted little shield that was your deflector-umbrella fizzling out of existence automatically, the device eeping out a quiet little chirp from the bracelet on your wrist to say as much. It was warmer, here. There was no fun gallivanting out in the chilling rain in a tiny-layered ruby dress. It did make you seem much less threatening then you were, though.

To the ignorant.

There was nothing particularly out of place with this hotel lobby; the carpets were red and fancy, bits of gold here and there to glimmer off the in-full-force lighting to make it seem regal, if gaudy. This was a fancy hotel, after all, even if it styled itself as a petty apartment building on the outside, particularly extravagant sign aside. Then again, that was the nature of this city under the Shroud. With everything seemly rundown, they had to make up for it; the desk clerk glanced up from his deskwork, red and golden uniform rather literally glimmering in light as he shifted. He had a bit of a bored scowl on his face, his lip twitching ever so slightly in a sneer as he regarded you before glancing back down to his work. He already sorted you out, evidently - as far as he cared, anyway. "Not a guest, not my problem." Not that he'd say such a thing.

No, glancing here and there, you saw who really needed your attention in this particularly spacious galley; the twin armored behemoths that stood on either side of an elevator, hideous glaives in either hand, set up just so that the gnarled blades clanged together in front of the already closed doors, just in case anyone got ideas. In front of them sat a scruffy looking man in familiar, white and blue regalia. Curiously, he was in armor - a light ensemble - instead of a more "casual" and befitting uniform. Some sort of Confederate official - a human sergeant, by the looks of his shoulder insignia. (And face.) Which marks him as even more out of place; set up in a makeshift chair, a small table set up to just to the side of the elevator that makes his miniature office. Why was a petty officer screening the guest list...?

Your target certainly wasn't "low brow," but it wasn't something officially under the UGC, either. There were dangerous elements in this party.

Still, you had to find a way into it. It was very clear that the elevator was the passage way up to the proper floor - it did have a... somewhat scratch work sign at the bend in the carpet leading to it saying Reserved, after all. There were a few assumptions you could make here and there, from experience.

Another was that you weren't on that list, barring freak occurrence. A third was that you had no hope of parading as someone else to get in - you were somewhat unique. You let your mind meander over the options, standing off to the side thoughtfully - only the clerk had noticed you, someone who evidently had little care for the snooty guests he probably had to continuously direct over to these "brutes." No issue there. What to do? Smooth talking was always a possibility, as was being somewhat direct with the man. The interests you represent were hardly unknown Confederacy, even if it brought your two factions closer to conflict every day. He might simply relent to keep an eye on you, or at least inform his betters so thy can do so. That'd go against your ultimate interests, but something manageable - and potentially thwart-able. You might be able to cause a distraction to lure them away, but that would likely set security on high alert and make anything beyond entering that elevator... complicated.

Of course, you could also thrash them on the spot. That was something you could manage quite confidently. Once again, though, that would lead to... complications. Nor do you have anywhere to place their unconscious lump-bodies - and the clerk would certainly see, even if you did the same to him. Such hostility might cut the party short. Which... might be workable, but would get your "employers" in trouble something because it was you doing it.

Choices. Which do you choose?

You can embellish or be as vague as you wish in "votes," by the way.


Aug 26, 2015
>frilly red dress

This is starting to seem strikingly familiar to the last quest thread I played.

Let's be a smooth talker, see what kind of communication skills we really have.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Did you think it'd be this easy?

Let me try then.  Our PC has easily identifiable ears, is wearing a dress (thus, likely female), and their kind is expected to be in casinos but not as players.  I'm going to say bunny girl (or bunny trap).

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
and their kind is expected to be in casinos but not as players.  

This was never stated. However, what was stated that you are easily identified by your ears and this group of people doesn't want your kind around. 

Update later. I can still accept more actions.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
>frilly red dress

This is starting to seem strikingly familiar to the last quest thread I played.

Let's be a smooth talker, see what kind of communication skills we really have.

Find an important-looking rich asshole to escort, because there just has to be at least one in a place like this.

Hm. What to do. An inkling of an idea seeped into your head; why not the old escort trick? It was somewhat sexist and demeaning for spies of the female persuasion, sure, but in sure sexual times it was even more effective then the not-so-distant past. If anything, it was far better! Back in those days you'd have to find some sleazeball, now? Why, there was a solid fifty-fifty chance no matter who you walked up to - so long as you could play your cards right. And card games were your job, not that you had anything to do with casinos.

A slight problem with your plan, however, was that you were late. Relatively speaking, anyway; you had a few hiccups getting here and while you might be considered the leggy sort, no person - man, woman, non-binary-gender affiliate - could go faster then a steady trot while rocking both medium heels and a narrow-tube dress. You might be able to manage for a block or two on your hands, though that would hardly be very conspicuous. Regardless, most of the guests had already arrived. Something you intended for, of course - it would be awkward to just wait around for your target, who likely would have a mild security detail to ensure it's safe for their individual well beings, of course. You don't think your target suspects your involvement, but you can't be to safe. This was practically your one and only chance and it was important, too.

However, just because you were delayed getting here didn't mean anyone else was. Besides, the time for it was a good ten - fifteen minutes from now, it was just more socially acceptable to show plenty early. These guards might not let anyone in after that, though who knows how this sergeant was ordered to run things. Maybe it'd be irregular - just as the military man was running this shindig in the first place. You couldn't say, nor could you really rightfully ask. Drawing attention to yourself to the guards needlessly wouldn't be a good idea.

Now, just to wait for a hook-hunk to come by to latch onto and - Ah.

How convenient.

His dark hair was turning grey, especially on his sideburns, a few bald spots were forming though he had a big, square chin with some purposefully-kept scruff adorning his bold cheeks and chin, just enough to be coarse along someone's palm - or body. He was fit, too; his golden-bronze skin showed he was either someone who mingled in the sun for a fair part of his day or a lunk of human ethnicity out there among the stars that had such a physiology. Based on his lean, square-set shoulders and occasionally bulging arms, occasionally visible just-so underneath his sleeves you were fairly certain it was the former, not the latter. His classy jacket bulged outward slightly from his chest, betraying his muscular, manly chest buried underneath those layers. He was tall, too - for a human. You were taller, even ignoring the heels. In this day and age and with the sort of people you would be dealing with today there was a fair chance this man's body was quite literally sculpted, artificially transformed into this... hunky appearance.

The thought of settling in his lap by some rustic fireside and cuddling up into his cheek for a few hours still made you titter in a delightful way. There was little hope of seeing the man after this, but for the next few moments you could certainly enjoy yourself. What? You could enjoy your work. It was healthy.

The gentlemen's stride was cool and confident, though you could tell it was just an act; he was confused, a thin brow cocked up as he looked this way and that within the lobby, his lower lip twitching into an irritated sneer. Everyone's been there. The rather obvious delegation, though admittedly off to the side in an extravagant, wide lobby, was apparently entirely lost on him. May you could be a helpful tour guide and he's be awfully appreciative. Mm... maybe pretend you're a lovely aide and try to avoid the sergeant from asking any questions.

You start to make your way over, purposefully throwing a sultry sway in your hips, causing the hem of your dress to ripply along your ankles. You could put on plenty of strut when you wanted to - and for him? Mm, you wouldn't mind putting on a little bit of effort.

Alright, maybe this wasn't quite healthy to your work-ethic. That hardly mattered.

"Hey there, stranger." You put on your best sultry purr, giving the man lidded eyes as you confidently made your way to his side. You were no porn actress, no, but you were attractive; it didn't take to much effort to look good and provocative. "You look a little lost. Need a hand to the-"

You're startled for a brief moment as the man cuts you off, surging her arm around in a sudden, aggressive show of movement to hook you over to him, slamming your (taller...) body into his, yanking the breath from your lungs in the same motion. You're quick to react, however; your hands move up, grabbing his upper arm and digging your fingertips in, planting your feet on the rug below and preparing to throw him to the ground to defend yourself from this at-

His hand squeezed in tightly, fingers sinking possessively into your taut lil' rear end and, once again, milking a surprised noise from you; this time it was a gasp, your back arching up as your fingers faltered some. Not that you couldn't still take him, but in a half second it was clear he meant no hostile intent. You don't squeeze your target's ass. No, he was just a lech. A handsome lech.

"Why hello there..." The man murmured in a raspy, masculine voice befitting his age - and status. The type that let whiskey and scotch burn his throat a few times to many to ever quite sound young again, naturally. His hazel eyes regard you, briefly, giving you a once over - as much as he could, of course, giving the close circumstances. "... Mm. Playing the Great Game, huh?" He had you figured out as he settled onto the top of your smooth, white hair - but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, it brought a little smile to his face. "Well. I've got nothing for you, just keeping up on affairs... so you're not here for me." He spoke out loud, obviously enjoying letting his breathe wash over your chin. "... And with a fine ass, too!" Squeeze! "Yeah, jezebel. I think you and I could help each other."

The harrows of espionage were nothing new to these sort of people. It helped that it was rare gunplay was actually involved.

"Very well then, honey." You cooed, shifting to the side and out of his grasp to, instead, hook your arm through his, getting close and intimidate to the stranger's side. "It's right over there."

You can't help but be a little amused at his now very deliberately slow saunter as he makes his way towards the bouncer-ensemble, taking his sweet time and enjoying his arm honey for however long he could. He knew the same thing you did; in a few minutes you'd be gone from his life again, hopefully never to return. Might as well appreciate the eye candy while supplies last.

"Steve Ambrus." He announced with a booming voice, taking the bored looking grunt by surprise as he slapped down his identification note, wasting no time at all. "And my lovely company. I've been told plus ones are allowed, correct? Shouldn't be any issue." You briefly consider kicking the man for his overly defensive posturing, but all you actually do is squeeze the man's arm and give the desk-duty sergeant a meek little smile. Uh huh, yes sir, just an arm warmer, we might have a quickie on the elevator. Totally intimate, sir.

Briefly, you get a sour patch in your stomach under the exhausted lad's gaze, scrutinizing you as he flicks between Mr. Ambrus's identification and yourself - while typing it in to vertifiy it all, of course. He was obvious he was suspicious of either of your intentions, obvious that there might be a few... complications. None the less, though, his miniature computer emits a happy, confirming little ping, which caused your ride in to immediately break out in loud grunt.

"Well? I'm waiting. We're late, hurry it up." He was attentive, at least. Another glare from the grunt, though this time it's cut off by Steve merely reaching forward and snatching the card from the desk, jostling you briefly in the process. "Thank you, lad." Though hardly inconspicuous. It didn't matter anymore; the armored behemoths on either side of the elevator relented their polearms as Steve practically thew you towards the elevator, bumbling in with a great, hurried stride. Like someone frustrated and late - or someone entirely suspect.

The elevator dinged as the door shut behind you - just as soon as you both got in! You didn't have much time to right yourself and fix the newly found creases in your dress. Still, the elevator began to ascend, leaving you alone with the hunky Steve. The hunky Steve who settled against the padded walls on the other side, crossing his arms and, in a gentlemanly way, making no attempts to do much of anything to you. He'd probably let the ride up be a quiet one, favor already repaid. 

You were in an elevator. 

What do you do? Nothing is an appropriate answer.


Aug 26, 2015
The favor may be repaid, but it never hurts to build some credit. Let's have some fun with Steve.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
The favor may be repaid, but it never hurts to build some credit. Let's have some fun with Steve.

Are you really that kind of woman? There is an overwhelming chance you might not see each other ever again after you leave this elevator, though he did potentially lose a lot of face helping you in. This is something of a vote, though even if it succeeds it may be disregarded by an influx of other inputted actions, if mutually exclusive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
We like Steve, and we want Steve. Now we can do it the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. Anyway, we should get some stress relieved.