2 quick questions


New Member
Jul 11, 2019
1, do the devs of these games / mods have any plans for their current projects with flash hitting EOL? I know they can't worry themselves with CoC. Too much work to port over (we'll just have to hope for a nonbrowser flash-box type software one day), but what of their current stuff? Have they said anything on that end?

2, Now that kitteh has retired from active CoCED mod development, does that mean the entire Expanded Edition is finished with new content? It's hard to tell at a glance, because these resources are a bit dated (trello, old forums, closed wikis, etc) but from what I can tell, Expanded Edition is an open source modding project, with kitteh compiling other people's writing & coding (including his own work) into the whole project. Will work continue to be added and compiled by others, or is that entirely over now that kitteh has moved on? Please correct me if I'm off here. Just trying to figure out CoC's community architecture without deciphering Trello or spending 4 hours reading through old posts.

thanks guys <3
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