2 multi-penis related bugs: Shalin Shaman and Eloise, one pregancy issue


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
I have 2 bugs related to handling multiple penises:
First, the Shalin Shaman still does not allow a Steele with suitable phallus to penetrate if there exists a too-large phallus as well. (tested on the hotfix release of 17 June 2023).
Second, in the Eloise content, in mulitple places, even though I've selected #4 (tentacle), much of the text is referring to the descriptions for #0 (Gryvain).
This actually happens many places throughout the game - the Eloise is just the most recent.

On the pregnancy front: The text for Subby Sera's "Ride" says she ejaculates into Steele ("as she finds her own release, splurging one warm, thick load of spunk into your womb after another."), but this won't impregnate Steele even if Steele is in heat and Sera is set to "bareback" (no Sterilex).

Game save attached.


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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Regarding the Sera pregnancy thing, using your save steele got pregnant from the ride scene on the second try after changing the Synth Womb from sterile to fertile, taking breeder's bliss, and taking Sera off sterilex. Perhaps you forgot to change the synth womb setting.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
No, I was absolutely certain I switched Steele to fertility, barebacked Sera, took Breeder's Bliss and went into heat, and rode Sera tens of times with no results. Since if the Synth Womb is set for infertile Breeder's Bliss won't induce heat I know that not only did the game indicate the womb was set for fertility but that the game also knew Steele was in heat.
What are the the probabilities for success? After all, for any p : 0<p<1, while p(N) = 1-(1-p)^N thus as N -> infinity p(N) goes to 1, that still does not mean the p(N) for any finite N is 1, and so there's always a chance of successive failure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Another dev had made changes to the hp victory to fix the too big cock problem but the lust victory had not been fixed. I have taken care of it and it should be in the next patch.

Cock references switching means the choice isn't always being passed into the parser. Someone will need to go over the scenes and make sure they are. I will let the dev that coded the Eloise scenes know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Npc pregnancy is set up in such a way that there is always a chance for failure. However with high enough values Steele pregnancy can be guaranteed because it just uses straight multipliers. In this case Sera has a base 10% chance of impregnating steele. This is modified by the average of steele's fertility and sera's virility (1800% and 100%) giving 950%. This bumps that base 10% up to 95%. So yes, just enough room for the RNG to mess things up. :D With just a little higher fertility you could make that a 100% chance.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
On the fertility front: 160 Fertite + and that solved that problem. Now if only Sera could handle more than one vagina....
On the turkey stuffing: It looks the the check is for strictly less than 36 inches, not 36 or less. Also, it too has the issue with showing the wrong descriptions for which penis was selected. To me, it looks like the issue of not passing the correct selection into the parser is a very common problem - I see it in MANY text blocks. You may want to do more of a root cause analysis of the issue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
It's a common programming problem - an example of the Zero One Infinity rule. At first, the game was designed that Steele had zero or one vagina and zero or one penis. Many of the design decisions and implementation decisions drew from that. When they changed the rules to allow Steele to have more than one, it broke a lot of those implementation decisions. That's why in architecture it is important to know what pattern you chose, and where the code needs to change if that pattern is changed.