[0.9.126-PUBLIC#5959] (Firefox) Tyros Typos


Jun 19, 2017
Here's a collection of typos for Tyros! :)

Entry Format:

( Scene or situation ) - Problem text or error description
Typos and errors are set in red within the problem text like so: [ typo or error ]
'FIX:' My suggestion(s) on how to fix the problem, if possible.

:siren: Maybe important: I want to mention this before anyone searches for the typos, as it might make the work easier. I found all of them while having Tyros's appearance set to 'Masculine', so there may still be issues in the text with the 'Feminine' option chosen.

1 - Intro - Your travels are interrupted as you drop out of light drive, with a ship blocking your path. It’s quite obviously an ambush, but surprisingly you receive a transmission from it. Though wary — and getting your ship’s weapons warmed up — you accept the call and are greeted by an interesting sight: what appears to be a droid, with a head shaped like a bull. It’s rather obvious they’re a droid from the obvious artificial, leather-y skin, the joints which shine with energy, the eye sockets that are more akin to blue tail lights than organic eyes, and notably, the blue hardlight horns sprouting out of their head — though you can’t see much else as the camera is too close to their face.

FIX: leathery

2 - Intro - Masculine - “Why would a bull have a horses cock? Makes no sense, and I prefer this shape anyway!” they say, waving your question away. “More importantly, where were we? Ah, right.”

FIX: horse's

3 - Victory - 69 - Now that you’ve been... rewarded for your victory, you suppose it’s time for you two to part ways.

“Yeah, not that this hasn’t been fun, but we both got places to be, yeah? Catch you later Squishy. I look forward to it!”

And you look forward to kicking their ass again.

FIX: Catch you later, Squishy.

4 - First Loss - Their hand slides down and slips between you two, grabbing the bulge in your stomach possessively. “If it feels that good — if you’re getting desperate for me to dick you down some more — it’s because I’m fucking you just that good!That’s it. Anyway, you sound ready!”

FIX: good! That’s it.

5 - First Loss - But it still makes them cum even harder, filling up your belly more and more while they squeeze you tight, and you can feel your mind being drowned in some much pleasure that you see stars and...

FIX: in so much

6 - First Loss - When you come to you’re lying on top of Tyros, your milk-laden tits squished against theirs while they make out sloppily with you, the synth-tongue gently-but-firmly pumping in and out of your throat. You shiver at the possessive treatment, and that warns them you’re awake.

“Ah, good morning Squishy!” they say cheerfully, after pulling what feels like a whole foot of tongue out of your mouth. “Doing okay? I didn’t break you too much, did I?”

FIX: “Ah, good morning, Squishy!”

7 - First Loss - They give you a warm smile. “No need to pretend, I know I fucked your brains out Squishy. I practically heard them hit the floor,” they tease. “But it’s alright; if anything, you’re impressive for keeping up so well! Most organics pass out as soon as I get serious, but you managed to keep going for a good while!”

FIX: I know I fucked your brains out, Squishy.

8 - Second Loss - When you wake up this time, you’re not welcomed by a tongue down your throat, but.. Darkness. And heat. As well as something pressing down against your entire body.

FIX: but... Darkness.

9 - Third Loss - You try to keep your composure, but your own “Good morning“ is a bit wobbly. Which isn’t helped by the fact they’re now toying with your striking, milk-leaking nipples as they kiss the nape of your neck.

FIX: The text of the entire scene after "Good morning" is italicized.

10 - Third Loss - “Indeed. Which is why I’m glad you’re so hard to break! Even now, I know you still have more fight in you, don’t you Squishy?

FIX: don't you, Squishy?

11 - Victory - Pound - Instead of nursing your stinging palm, you can watch with satisfaction as whatever soft material is beneath the droid’s dermis rolls and ripples in the wake of your mighty spank. Tyros moans hard. “Fuck, now that’s what I’m talking about! Damn, almost felt like I was going to be sent flying! You got a good arm on you Squishy!

FIX: You got a good arm on you, Squishy!

12 - Victory - Pound - They keep drawing you in until you’re pressed against their ass... And it keeps sucking you in some more for good measure, sinking your crotch in their massive buttcheeks.

“Mmh, now that’s a nice package, Now catch your breath and fuck me already!”

Alright, geez! You spank their ass for good measure, before letting your hands slide up for a good, stable grip.

FIX: package. Now