Fixed [0.9.122-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5753] Crash when trying to look at character appearance

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Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
For some reason while trying to transform into a Behemoth my game keeps crashing whenever I try to look at my characters appearance.

Version: 0.9.122-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5753
Message: e.hornColor is not a function Stack:
TypeError: e.hornColor is not a function
at tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:19151060
at tA (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:19164299)
at Jv (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:19055630)
at e.value (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:18134568)
at onClick (tits://titsapp/main.0c60d7fa.js:1:12425077)
at Object.We (tits://titsapp/vendors.e2b4899f.js:1:529236)
at $e (tits://titsapp/vendors.e2b4899f.js:1:529390)
at tits://titsapp/vendors.e2b4899f.js:1:547593
at Or (tits://titsapp/vendors.e2b4899f.js:1:547687)
at Rr (tits://titsapp/vendors.e2b4899f.js:1:548101)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: PC Object, PC Cocks, Flags (06:48:27.063) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(06:48:27.870) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(06:48:28.814) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Appearance". ```
Reload Game
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  • Talia (H) - 3Hrs 0Mins, 46 Days - Casstech Z14, Ingnam.json
    683.3 KB · Views: 1


New Member
Feb 27, 2016
I am having a Critical Error pop up each time I check the appearance Screen, and it only occurs upon triggering the Behemoth Horns and then going to the codex to check your appearance. After the first three times it gave me a Critical Error, I tried to test which of the transformations triggered it. I thought it was the skin at first, but after several more attempts to replicate it, it consistently occurred once the Glowing Behemoth Crystal Behemoth Horn Transformation had taken place. Given the Message it displays with the Critical Error, I presume it is the horns causing the issue each time.

Version: 0.9.122-PUBLIC#5753
PC Firefox Version 135.0.1

Message: e.hornColor is not a function


  • TiTS Version 09122PUBLIC5753 Behemoth Horn TF Error.txt
    11.4 KB · Views: 2
  • Fenna (H) - 15Hrs 12Mins, 121 Days - Phaedra_ Shieldrock, Vysnovok System.json
    780.6 KB · Views: 1
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