[0.9.122-PUBLIC-ANDROID#5753] Bug: Akkadi Armored Depthsuit does not protect from Uveto cold

Mar 1, 2025
Thought this one funny, considering you get the suit on Uveto, you use it to walk around underwater in the frozen depths of Uveto (in the research lab quest), and it has the following in its description "... Climate-controlled and electrically insulated, ..."

If you try to walk around Uveto with it, you will take damage and start freezing.



  • Kira (H) - 21Hrs 37Mins, 250 Days - Uveto VII, Siretta.json
    804.7 KB · Views: 1


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It does give 20% Freezing resist, which is not insignificant. There are 3 thresholds to prevent damage as you get further out: 25%, 35% and 50%. Put on the Freezing Resist underwear and you'll have 40% and be immune to all but the furthest zone (and Blizzards).

Think about it this way: Uveto's ocean is probably warmer than the surface, since it's still liquid. (Yeah, yeah, salt water vs fresh water. I think the point still stands.)
Mar 1, 2025
It does give 20% Freezing resist, which is not insignificant. There are 3 thresholds to prevent damage as you get further out: 25%, 35% and 50%. Put on the Freezing Resist underwear and you'll have 40% and be immune to all but the furthest zone (and Blizzards).

Think about it this way: Uveto's ocean is probably warmer than the surface, since it's still liquid. (Yeah, yeah, salt water vs fresh water. I think the point still stands.)
I think this report could be better said that I expected the suit to have the "Heat Generator" flag.