Fixed 0.9.121-BACKER#5687 Brandy, PC cock description ERROR

Issue is marked as fixed.


Nov 28, 2015
When getting fucked by Brandy there is an error with the description of the pc cock. Game does not crash.
At this part:
It takes a long trip for Brandy’s flat dickhead to reach the entrance of your aquamarine xeno-cunny again, and when she does she almost falls right out of you. The eager girl manages to catch herself, knees firmly planted on the mattress as she takes hold of her tool to keep herself from sliding out. Then, she starts to push in again, nice and slow. She lets out little pleasured moos as she does, clearly enjoying the warm embrace of your pussy. As she thrusts into you, her massive cock rubs against the ball of your prostate, causing your ERROR: CockDescript called with index of 1 - out of BOUNDS to spill precum onto your chest.


  • Xerina (H) - 0Hrs 47Mins, 702 Days - New Texas, Nye.json
    867.6 KB · Views: 1


Apr 27, 2016
A Brandy fan, nice! Surprised this hasn't been a bigger deal. The scene uses a number (index) to refer to the vagina you picked, but we crash when the code mistakenly tried to use that same number to find a cock. Code hasn't been touched since 2022.

Anyway, fixed for next.