[0.9.120-BACKER-ELECTRON#5623] Strange Egg Birth Crash


Jul 30, 2021
I found today that the Strange Egg you can get from Mehenga crashes on the birth trigger. Had it happen off vaginal but not anal. I tested it and it happens when the birth event triggers, doesn't really depend where I'm at. Had it happen at Tavros Port, Mehenga Spaceport, Mehenga Jungle, Myrellion Spaceport, and Uveto Station corridor.

Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'looseness') Stack:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'looseness')
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:2407140)
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:2245397)
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:2241847)
at window.PsychicTentacleBirthing (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:30822390)
at tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:34445294
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:11520324)
at o.value (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:11519546)
at Object.Wk (tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:18924794)
at tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:12579500
at tits://titsapp/main.8f04815b.js:1:10915035