[[0.9.111-BACKER#5420]] Snake Shake (with Bobas) isssues


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
attached is a character that currently has no genitals. infinite item use should be on with both snake shakes, a pussy bloom, and a dicksprout for testing.

with Bobas​

blue scales push up and layer down its length, giving your new posterior limb a beautiful shine that catches each little ray of light. You now have a thick, snake’s tail like that of a slyveren!
An absentminded scratch finds your fingertips digging into soft flesh, more than you’re used to. Pulling away your Xenogen Slimesuit you’re treated to a front row seat of watching your chest expand. Immediately you take hold, feeling your skin catch as it pushes into the gaps between your fingers and fills out your shaking palms. adding on a couple cups worth of extra squish to play with!

additionally, if/once a the largest breast row surpasses 23, no further growth will occur as the growth amount is determined by the largest breast size, rather than the smallest (which is the target of the tf) despite the tf still registering as valid. still discussing with the author if the intent was for any breast rows less than size 23 to increase up to 23 (with enough usage). the setup of the code also has the side effect of decreasing the size of the smallest breast row once the largest is at or above 23.

const smallestTitRow = target.smallestTitRow(); let amt = Math.min(23 - target.biggestTitSize(), 3); target.breastRows[smallestTitRow].breastRating(amt); target.breastRows[smallestTitRow].breastRating(amt);
A sharp whine leaves you flinching, reaching a hand up to shield yourself from the sound. Vertigo quickly settles in leaving you feeling like the room is spinning around you and you can’t quite find your bearings. You find the cause soon enough as the ear beneath your fingertips starts to feel warm. The edges start to push out, top to bottom, stretching until they go all the way from the nape of your neck to just above your temple, near your brow line. They thicken before flaring out into the peripheral of your vision. Your ears are now a scaled hood, similar to a terran cobra’s.

the tf succeeds but in appearance menu; appearance.js is missing a case for snake type ears, speaking with the author, they may have forgotten to include this
[pc.hasVagina||A seam starts on your crotch, barely more than a divot before it begins to lengthen to an inch, then two. The small, dark line thickens as it grows deeper and eventually opens into a sticky, drooling channel. New nerves are forming, waking up and making you acutely aware of the heat coming off this new hole. An experimental finger probes your new depth, and it forces a tremble in your knees from the sensitivity of what you know is a new vagina.]

speaking with the author, the penis tf that creates the hermaphroditic slyveren vagina was intended to

remove all penises and balls
if no vagina, create one and make it slyveren(naga)
if there are vaginas make non slyveren(naga) vagina into slyveren(naga) - there is a separate vagina tf for if there are no penises present, so this can likely stay as only changing one vagina

regular Snake Shake​

There’s a stirring in your loins. Things are tightening, shifting in the pit of your gut to the point you briefly worry your drink might have expired. Turning your attention south, you catch your ERROR: NO WANGS DETECTED for cocksDescript() pulsing, threatening to come to hardness only to slink back to a half-mast. Each retreat leaves you with the foreign feeling of things pushing inward, making room. As inch after inch withdraws, your skin bunches at its base. Folds akin to pussy lips conform to your rod, not assisting in matters as they caress it along its passage. Stimulation, the threat of erection, and then another pull back into your depths. You’re absolutely sweating by the time your tip slips into its new home. You now have a genital slit!


  • null snake shake testing.json
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