[0.9.105-PUBLIC#5231] Disarm


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Can be Disarmed, but uses an Assegai.
Lah growls, ears flat, tail twitching. He starts, eyes flicking this way and that, as if his neck were crawling... and then he shoots forward, spear raised for an all-out attack!
Should probably read 'claws raised' if he's disarmed.
Johr hits you with his quarterstaff! Your shield crackles but holds.
The pump-king backs away from you and raises her shield defensively, holding her sword straight up into the air as green flames begin to dance along it’s length.
The Pump-king hits you with her shortsword!
Tarratch A aims her rifle and fires, the rapid stream of white-hot projectiles the weapon spits at you sounding perversely flat and unremarkable thanks to the silencer her weapon is equipped with.
Tarratch A fiddles with the stock of her rifle, before swinging it up and firing three or four fat, blue bolts at you, each accompanied by a bass-y “fwump”.
Can be Disarmed, but all it's weapons are integrated. Should probably be Immune like other Robots.
You parry a few sword-strokes, but find yourself pushed back by the captain’s unrelenting flurry of blows.
The captain rushes at you, swinging her force cutlass in a brutal arc.
Amid a flurry of sword-swings, Captain Khorgan reaches out, grabbing your head and forcing you to your knees with a mighty grunt.
The grab is fine, but it probably shouldn't involve the sword if she's disarmed.
In the blink of an eye the raskvel snatches her revolver from her belt and fires at you!
The raskvel shoots you a dirty glare as she grabs her revolver, stock, and thruster and turns around.
The raskvel takes a knee as she steadily raises her menacing contraption, aimed right at you. She takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, then fires.
The raskvel wields her dripping, double ended dildo like a club and charges at you!
The battle-scarred beauty unloads a round of buckshot at you. While you’re dodging it, she darts in and stabs at you with her bayonet.
The grizzled soldier reloads her combat shotgun with fresh bullets. Pointing it at you, she unloads three consecutive blasts.
The gold deserter reloads her combat shotgun and dashes up to you. Without aiming, she whips up the barrel and shoots.
The grizzled soldier loads her semi-auto with a fresh magazine. After clicking back the arm-lock, she points it at you, and shoots repeatedly.
The battle-scarred beauty shoots a handful of bullets at you. When you’re dodging those, she darts in and lashes out with her hand-axe.
Can be Disarmed, but has no weapons.
Group fights like this are usually immune. But they still have their weapons, even when Disarmed.
The queen follows through with a quick jab at you, thrusting at your chest.
Immune. Because it would make the fight too easy? He still has Flashbangs, which cost no Energy.
Crouching low, the furred woman shifts her weight from one leg to the other and springs! She chucks her spear and you dodge to one side, realizing too late that the throw was a feint.
The korgonne distracts you with jab feints of his knife until he perceives an opening, then swings his leather thong hard at your midsection!
The raider charges you, whipping his leather thong and flail through the air like a berserker and trying to score a hit by luck alone!
Never goes back to his weapon, even after Disarm wears off.
Has a Staff, but doesn't use it to attack. Should probably be Immune.
No weapons. Should probably be Immune.
Should probably be Immune.
You choose not to act.The storm lancer recovers his weapons!
Krym lets her spear hang on its strap and draws a handgun from her belt.
Krym couches her lance under her arm and lunges through the snow at you. She lets out a fearsome warcry, echoing across the windy plateau.
The Temptress pulls out her whip and goes nuts with it, slapping the ground near your feet with increasingly rapid strikes.
Zaalt lunges at you, swinging his glowing purple blade in both hands. The force sword cries with power as it cuts the air, and slams into you with bone-ratting force... and more, a psychic scream that burrows into the mind and makes you stumble back with mental agony as well as physical.
If you tell him 'No Weapons', he'll have a status that tells you he's effectively Disarmed, but he's not actually Immune.
Could probably stand to disable her Dart Gun, if not, she should be Immune.
The powered armor suit braces its legs and brings its raingun to bear, tracking you with the two-pronged barrel while energy builds up along its length, crackling until it erupts in a blast of tungsten that slams into the rock next to you.
The Hopper braces her rubber-sheathed feet on the deck and aims her heavy cannon at you. A squeeze of the trigger sends a shocking assault of electrical energy arcing through the air and right for you!
No weapon attacks, should be Immune.
Only weapon attacks. Either write some unarmed, or Immune.
The ganger heavy’s muscles strain as she hoists a Glacial Auger barehanded. The repurposed magma miner ices its drill with a puff of coolant while she spins it up to a decidedly unhealthy RPM. Aiming right at your center mass, she charges forward!
And she eats a sandvitch at the same time (which I think is supposed to be her Disarmed move).
The zaika bruiser A makes a cautious strike at Feruze with her crowbar.
Only weapon attacks. Either write some unarmed, or Immune.
The zaika chainer A lashes out at you with her whip!
Only weapon attacks. Either write some unarmed, or Immune.
Has no weapons, should be Immune.
The hazard suit trooper brings her plasma torch to bear on Feruze.
The hazard suit trooper raises her rivet gun and fires off a pair of bolts!
You manage to avoid Mhorgenn’s blade.
Mhorgenn toggles a wrist-mounted switch to light her weapon up with deadly arcs of electricity before thrusting it out for a quick, inaccurate strike!
The sergeant raises her heavy caliber pistol and squeezes off a shot at you!
The zaika goons all level their rifles at you!
As a group, should they be immune?
I don't think they have weapons. Should probably be immune.
Hawk eyes locked on you, the bird-taur lifts her crossbow to her shoulder and fires, the dead thunk of its mechanism merging with her ululating battle screech into one dreadful sound. You feint, and the bolt misses you by a whisker.
The nuka tech-scavenger fires off a line of concentrated aphrodisiac gel.
The nuka woman raises her laser pistol, firing off several blasts of energy in your direction.
The hyrax lets out a loud cry and charges you, swinging his axe wildly!
Bike can be disarmed, but should probably be Immune.
The hyrax lets out a loud cry and charges you, swinging his axe wildly!
The pirate tech sprays bullets at Saendra, firing wildly from the hip! One bullet hits, drilling Saendra!
Crew, Captain Holmes & Commander Henderson should probably be Immune. I don't think they have any weapons.
Should all probably be Immune.
Advanced Herm Sexdoll's 'Leave' is in a non-standard spot.

As far as I can tell, in most existing cases, the status ends and the NPC is automatically 're-armed'. So nothing specifically has to be done, unless you want to write an NPC as being able to clear it early, like the Storm Lancer.
Disarm is an asymmetric status. As a player, it's extremely frustrating because most of your damage is basic attacks. Special Attacks drain Energy, which you only have so much of. Worse, I vaguely remember getting Weapon Hacked by Cyberpunks as a Tech and most of my Special Attacks were disabled, too. About the only thing I could do was Tease. And if they can Disarm/Hack the PC once, they can probably do it again. Maybe as soon as it wears off (which may be the cause of the Disarm-lock complaint). The ability to clear Disarm by equipping a weapon from the Inventory isn't well telegraphed, either. I had no idea at the time.

Against NPCs, most NPCs don't actually make Basic Attacks. They have bespoke abilities with unique descriptors. If the writer/coder don't specifically call things out as Disarmable, it will do nothing. Many of these abilities don't even take Energy. There are also a lot of NPCs that don't have anything to disarm. Animals, martial artists, robots, etc.

Compare Stealth Field Generator: Same duration, same cost, but it works on anything that doesn't auto-hit (though I know there are some). It's also better vs groups, since you can only Disarm one target/round.

I propose adding a Stagger attempt to Disarming Shot and Kinetic Burst against enemies that cannot be Disarmed. Smuggler & Kineticist can't do that with any abilities, so there's no overlap.
Stagger doesn't enable Sneak Attack/Aimed Shot, so Called Shot and Assassinate still have their niche.
If an enemy can't be Disarmed or Staggered, well, thems the breaks. I can't imagine there being very many.
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Started working through these, and it's a good opportunity to brush older content up to par for the PC having summonable additions like a turret.

Zil Hoverfly - Can be Disarmed, but uses an Assegai.
Updated his combat scripts, but he already has a check for disarmed in his AI to make him to his lust damage attack instead.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Zil Hoverfly was supposed to say 'Can't be disarmed'.
Caught me in a typo.

Hornet also has a Spear but can't be Disarmed.
Not sure how I missed that.
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