[0.9.091] Bess-13 durable dermis; ZengShi ship battle escape; Ovilium pregnancy

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Nov 12, 2023
1) When Bess-13 is recruited, she is wearing something called 'Durable Dermis'- the item has no description, and moving it to player inventory and then trying to access ship storage crashes the game
Critical Error

A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here.

Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below:

Version: 0.9.091-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#4688

PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. This is usually an indication that the current save has been manually edited.

TiTSException: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. This is usually an indication that the current save has been manually edited.
    at h (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:9937137)
    at o.value (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:5914789)
    at file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:31946174
    at Array.filter ()
    at file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:31946082
    at Array.forEach ()
    at window.groupItems (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:31945932)
    at o.value (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/main.284a8239.js:1:12911330)
    at ms (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/vendors.1b975a72.js:1:564468)
    at jl (file:///X:/TiTS/HTML/resources/app/vendors.1b975a72.js:1:581274)

(14:53:28.287) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(14:53:51.650) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Main Menu".
(14:53:54.351) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Menu" to UI state stack, replacing with "Options".
(14:54:09.331) (Core) info: Teleport cheat used to move to "undefined"
(14:54:09.341) (Core) warning: mainGameMenu was called when Main Text was not the active UI state.
(14:54:09.528) (Serialization) info: GameOptions have been saved.
(14:54:57.570) (UserInterface) info: Pushing "Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Trade".
(14:54:57.593) (Inventory) fatal: PlaceholderArmor requires it's canMergeWith call to be overridden if it has dynamic properties. This is usually an indication that the current save has been manually edited.

2) Flying to Zheng Shi for the first time and giving the wrong password starts ship battle, however after successful escape the player is moved to Urbolg's battle rather than flying away

Some miscellaneous issues:

Kiro first encounter - after answering the distress call but leaving without boarding the ship, Kiro's name shows under 'Stats -> Other's Orgasms', despite not helping her

Gray Goo 'Catch DP' scene doesn't advance the clock at all

Ovilium pregnancy & birth - birthing eggs doesn't cause orgasm, contrary to description
"You can’t resist any longer as the final eggs leave your body, cumming as the last of them are pushed out."
Also, the wiki mention this: "While under the effects of "Ovilium", if the player character is ever inseminated by partner, there is a chance that some of the eggs will multiply within the womb" This worked in the Flash version, but not now - is this a bug, or the feature was cut during Javascript transition?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
For the first one, you can't get that without save editting, which it points out in the first line of the error report. So, it's a non-issue.

Avoid anything with Placeholder or Test in the name. They were never meant to be used by PC's.
Last edited:


Nov 12, 2023
I didn't save edit, you can check for yourself by starting a new game and teleporting to Bess-13 and recruiting her. She'll be wearing this item, and it can be removed and placed in PC's inventory ( think this item was never meant to be visible to the player)


Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully all fixed for the next release.

For Bess, the "durable dermis" should now be automatically purged after loading a save file where Bess/Ben still has it as clothing or in their inventory. If you have it in your own character inventory, I recommend dropping it as it will serve no useful purpose in gameplay. This item was a carry-over from the Flash days, where Bess's/Ben's inventory was handled differently. Most characters with this item were most likely copy-pasted values from another NPC that had it. In any case, after the follower clothing system was updated to something more consistent between all followers, this item was overlooked.

Similar to most ship fights, the first-time ship fight on Zheng Shi should properly move the ship into space before the battle. So escaping shouldn't have your character teleport into the hangar. Regular navigation should work like usual.

Kiro's orgasm stat will not be tracked until after your character officially meets her.

As for Ovilium, the multiplication chances are just that: a chance--so it may be unlucky rolls (dependent on how many eggs you already have, I think 12 is the max, per pregnancy?) If neither the multiplication or big egg chances are ever happening, then the source of the cum may not be valid (the cum needs to originate from an actual creature script, which most characters are). Hope this helps.
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