[0.9.081-PUBLIC#4166] Steeles with the "Milky" perk run out of milk in combat faster

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
What the title says.

Both Milk Squirt and Drink Milk use the milked function, and the Milky perk increases the amount of milk subtracted from the player's current milk fullness by 1.5 in that function.

if(this.hasPerk("Milky")) amount *= 1.5;


Aug 26, 2015
I don't really see this as an issue because the perk is doing what it is supposed to.

Though I do somewhat see the issue as milk fullness only ever changes over time and since combat takes no time passage, it isn't possible to fill back up on milk. Perhaps there should be a milk refilling value per combat turn?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It is, but things have changed a lot since it was added.

1. It's a lot easier to start lactating.
2. The extra expenditure was useful for reducing how often you'd have to Hand Milk to keep up production, but there are now a number of ways to prevent loss of production entirely.

At this point, Milky is pretty much entirely redundant, and it's only unique feature is a liability. I honestly don't know what the solution is, but I think it could do with a bit of a rework. In-combat Milk regen would only be useful for Milk Squirt. You can't Drink Milk twice in one combat, even if you started at 200%.
More Tease with Milk Squirt?
Steele starts the game lactating?
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Aug 26, 2015
Alright, not a huge change, but as you mentioned, there are already so many things affecting lactation that "Milky" doesn't really make much of an impact. However, I made some changes that should hopefully be noticeable.

When choosing this perk in character creation, it'll give a slight head start to the milkMultiplier (+25) and increase the milkRate (+5). I didn't want to cause instant lactation because part of the "causes lactation to be induced more easily and harder to stop" should be about the character going through the process of developing the ability to lactate for the first time, so giving it away for free didn't seem like a good change.

I did think about adding a passive milkMultiplier increase over time (if milkMultiplier was below 50 or so), but that would end up defeating the purpose of the milkMultiplier degrading for not milking often enough (there are rules for degrading less when the character has "Milky" and/or "Treated Milk").

Using the "Milk Squirt" should now give a slight 50% boost to tease damage if the character has the "Milky" perk (due to more milk being expressed). However, keep in mind, after all the bonus multipliers, that tease damage caps at 200% its base value, as well as other modifiers based on trip/stun/etc. status, so is to not be too powerful.

When using the "Drink Milk" ability, if the character has "Milky", and milkFullness is at more than what is milked, the healing value will increase by up to 50% (due to more fluid being expelled), so this may be more of a perk synergy. Similarly, there's a "Breastfeed" attack towards a targeted enemy (but I'm not sure if that's been or ever will be implemented) that should go through the same rules.

More changes may develop later. I'll try to run it by the team to see if a rework is in order.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Since Milky is supposed to cause lactation to be induced more easily, why not put the 1.5 bonus in boostLactation instead?

Or replace this in milked
if(this.hasPerk("Milky")) amount *= 1.5; //Boost lactation by a relevant amount if(this.milkMultiplier < 125) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/50));
with something like this:
if(this.hasPerk("Milky") && (this.milkMultiplier < 125)) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/33)); else if(this.milkMultiplier < 125) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/50));
Same effect minus the additional expenditure.

Breastfeed (if it is what I think it is) is a skill from the Medical Milkers implant, but I don't know if there are plans to fully implement it.
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Aug 26, 2015
Since Milky is supposed to cause lactation to be induced more easily, why not put the 1.5 bonus in boostLactation instead?

Or replace this in milked
if(this.hasPerk("Milky")) amount *= 1.5; //Boost lactation by a relevant amount if(this.milkMultiplier < 125) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/50));
with something like this:
if(this.hasPerk("Milky") && (this.milkMultiplier < 125)) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/33)); else if(this.milkMultiplier < 125) this.boostLactation(1 + Math.round(amount/50));
Same effect minus the additional expenditure.

Breastfeed (if it is what I think it is) is a skill from the Medical Milkers implant, but I don't know if there are plans to fully implement it.
I did something similar, but I forgot to note it above. If a positive boostLactation() is called outside of the milked() function, it should now automatically apply the 1.5 multiplier to the boost amount for "Milky" characters. So hopefully that helps any characters with that perk gain more milk any time lactation is induced, regardless if milk is expelled.

Yes, both "Drink Milk" and "Breastfeed" both come from the Medical Milkers implant, but one was chosen over the other due to having both probably being unbalanced.
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