[0.9.063-BACKER-ELECTRON#3632] Dhaal Dungeon Crash


Feb 22, 2021
Game crashes after defeating the boss, recovering the probe and traveling back through the boss tile. This happened with both the Utopian Skies and Brightwater bosses. Attached save is post boss.

 Version: 0.9.063-BACKER-ELECTRON#3632 Message: targetIndex is not defined Stack:
ReferenceError: targetIndex is not defined
    at file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10301366
    at Array.find ()
    at w (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10301315)
    at e.value (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:10304084)
    at e.value (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17111172)
    at e.value (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17111353)
    at e.value (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17110693)
    at window.farrowQuestWrapUp (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/content_dhaal.04bc6273.js:1:5828165)
    at e.oe.runOnEnter (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/content_dhaal.04bc6273.js:1:6325514)
    at Kk (file:///D:/!Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/resources/app/main.565f9436.js:1:17585993)
(14:46:02.174) [Core] info: GameState postLoad()
(14:46:10.063) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(14:46:11.807) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(14:46:16.863) [UserInterface] log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(14:48:01.023) [UserInterface] log: UI redraw triggered via electron.
(14:48:09.160) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:09.163) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:09.165) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:09.167) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:14.816) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:15.201) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:15.456) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:15.727) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:15.984) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:16.387) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:16.639) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:16.909) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morphed on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:17.182) [Creature] info: Attempted to remove storage slot Morph Cue on goopleganger but chosen array has no members.
(14:48:17.283) [Creature] info: Status 'Stunned' already present on Kiro
(14:48:19.027) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasSheath() was passed an invalid argument (out of its sheath)
(14:48:19.027) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasCocks() was passed an invalid argument (, and its neighbor too)
(14:48:19.028) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasBalls() was passed an invalid argument ( while the other fondles your scrotum, feeling the burgeoning load within)
(14:48:19.030) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasBalls() was passed an invalid argument (Your testes clap mightily into a number of cheeks, increasing the desire to release while the tremors of it feed right back into your dick.)
(14:48:19.030) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasCocks() was passed an invalid argument (One of the more exotic aspects of banging a galotian is the very literal transparency of the sex. It would be merely interesting to shove one dick in her, but because the limits of meatspace don’t apply to her, you see everything inside, pumping restlessly, each screwing its own path through her adaptive fuck-handles. Where there was once a gem core, there is only your dick, throbbing mightily in a quadrant where beating organs might be located. For a moment, you think there are hearts in her translucent eyes.)
(14:48:19.031) [Creature] warning: PlayerCharacter.hasKnot() was passed an invalid argument (, and your base agrees profusely)
(14:48:25.118) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.
(14:48:27.024) [UserInterface] warning: Ensure we have good UI for waiting for data acquisition.


  • Marcille (T) - 13Hrs 29Mins, 20 Days - Dhaal_ Farrow Facility, Uond Ephine.json
    642.6 KB · Views: 1


Apr 27, 2016
This error was introduced this patch, talking to the team now. Should just need to revert a change, but idk why that change was made in the first place.
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