[0.9.016] Mitch wrong function


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
pc.hasCock() is supposed to be pc.hasCocks()
                if (pc.hasCock()) output(textify`\n\n\nYour other manhood[pc.hasCocks|s aren't|isn't] idle during the ordeal, and [pc.hasCocks|they|it] only help further plaster the purple vulpine in an ever growing glaze of heated, heavy virility as they flex their loads across [mitch.hisHer] form.`);


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Looks correct to me.

if (pc.hasCock()) is checking if the pc has any cocks at all, if true than output the line.

All the [pc.hasCocks|s aren't|isn't] tags are checking if the pc has multiple cocks. If true the text in the middle of the pipes is used, if false, the text at the end is used. (In this case "s aren't" and "isn't" respectively.)

So the text is meant for both single and multi cock pcs and has variations depending on which they are.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Looks correct to me.

if (pc.hasCock()) is checking if the pc has any cocks at all, if true than output the line.

All the [pc.hasCocks|s aren't|isn't] tags are checking if the pc has multiple cocks. If true the text in the middle of the pipes is used, if false, the text at the end is used. (In this case "s aren't" and "isn't" respectively.)

So the text is meant for both single and multi cock pcs and has variations depending on which they are.

I looked at the scene again and in it Mitch is already handling your main cock so the check should really be pc.hasCocks(), and the [pc.hasCocks] parsers should be replaced with parsers that check for three cocks.

Also "Your other manhood" should make it clear that this scene is referencing to cocks other than your main one

I admit fault for not noticing the [pc.hasCocks] parsers and not making a note about them

output(textify`\n\n\nYou can't hope to hold out much longer against the relentless, frisky assault. Your [pc.cockBiggest] is stuck in the vulpine's furry vice, one that clenches hard enough to actually pull the growing load building in you. The mess that's oozing out of your tip with each squeeze only further helps the prison around it, spreading the warmth further along your wrapped up rod until it feels like your being sucked off by an ${CodexManager.entryUnlocked("Slyverens") ? "especially hungry Slyveren" : "impossibly long throat"}. Your body quakes as the pressure builds, until a hard flex is all the warning Mitch gets before the dam finally breaks.`);

|Mitch squirms in anticipation as the first shot of [pc.cum] shoots up through your [pc.cockBiggest], the load pressing out just enough from the vulpine's tightly coiled tails to gush out onto [mitch.hisHer] fabric-clad back. The second throb only adds more, pushing the first load up and along the fox's supple frame. Mitch's tails continue their fervent squeezing all the while, fueling your ongoing release even as you rapidly paint the therapist’s back with lazy pulses of [pc.cumVisc] seed. By the time Mitch's tails finally begin to slow, [mitch.hisHer] back has become slathered in your musky mess.
|Mitch tenses in surprise as the first shot of [pc.cum] shoots up through your [pc.cockBiggest], the load pressing out hard enough from the vulpine's coiled tails to gush heavily onto [mitch.hisHer] fabric-clad back. The second throb adds just as much as the first, pushing the first load up along the Kitsune's dainty frame. Mitch's tails continue their fervent squeezing all the while, fueling your ongoing release even as you rapidly paint the therapist’s back with rampant pulses of [pc.cumVisc] seed. By the time Mitch's tails finally begin to slow, [mitch.hisHer] back has become completely smothered in your musky mess.
|Mitch gasps out in shock as the first shot of [pc.cum] shoots up through your [pc.cockBiggest], the load forcing through vulpine's coiled tails as it gushes onto [mitch.hisHer] fabric-clad back. The second throb is even harder, enough that it slaps wetly against the back of the kitsune's head as it erupts from you like a hose. Mitch's tails continue their fervent squeezing even as you baste the poor vulpine, fueling your ongoing release as you rapidly paint the therapist’s back with waves upon waves of [pc.cumVisc] seed. By the time Mitch's tails finally begin to slow, [mitch.hisHer] back has become completely slathered in your musky mess.
|And break it does. Mitch barely has time to gasp out as the first throb of [pc.cum] rockets through your [pc.cockBiggest], forcing its way through the kitsune's tightly coiled tails before rushing over [mitch.hisHer] head in a tidal wave of musky virility. The second flex sends yet another wave crashing over the overwhelmed vulpine, as does the third, and the fourth. A soft groan rises up from under the growing mess as the therapist is absolutely smothered in a tsunami of spunk, even as [mitch.hisHer] tails still dutifully working out each hefty load. By the time Mitch's tails slow to a halt, you can barely see the softly quivering kitsune under the dripping mess of liquid lust you've flooded [mitch.himHer] with.
if (pc.hasCock()) output(textify`\n\n\nYour other manhood[pc.hasCocks|s aren't|isn't] idle during the ordeal, and [pc.hasCocks|they|it] only help further plaster the purple vulpine in an ever growing glaze of heated, heavy virility as they flex their loads across [mitch.hisHer] form.`);
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