0.7.34 couple of bugs


Active Member
Jul 27, 2022
when sleeping in camp tui will approach to ask for relief even if you didnt fuck before

hatsus hotspring scene triggers and implies that you fucked her in her other scene even if you didnt


Active Member
Jul 27, 2022
"I don't remember summoning anyone today," she says evenly. "So. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I, uhm," Etheryn takes a deep breath, steadies herself, and looks the baroness in the eye. "I am Etheryn var Ridell, princess of the Winter City. By ancient treaty, I humbly request sanctuary here at Castle Hawkstone."

confident etheryn talking to carmen has an extra empty line
this was after doing winter city if that changes anything


Active Member
Jul 27, 2022
extra line breaks in frostwood tile under lyla
The trail slopes downward here, growing softer underfoot as the ground subsides. The air's getting a little warmer and muggier, but that's not much considering the all-pervading chill of the Frostwood. Taking advantage of the heat, deciduous trees grow in clustered stands, holding their own against the pines; fungus grows in clumps on their trunks, oddly enough all pointing south.

The air of the Frostwood is always earthy, but the faint scent of decay and rot comes from up ahead. The eastern side of the woodland is likely to be less savoury than the west.