[0.7.22] Typos and other weirdness


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2023
- Naiyana & guards foursome - champion fingering Naiyana: pushing your fist from your ass???
Naiyana seems utterly unperturbed by the blockade in her throat, sucking and blowing between muted whinnies as she rides out the waves of orgasm... she doesn't even notice when you scoop up a palmful of the mare's spunk in your left hand so that you can finger her pulsing black donut...

...Naiyana's own eyes are glazed over, and she whimpers around Edessari's dick as she's flooded with seed. She practically pushes your fist out of your asshole, but instead you only press in harder, until you're hammering her prostate flat and causing her to cum all over the mare's legs again.

- Doggy style with Elthara - I'm not an expert on english language, but isn't rosebud slang for anus? How are champs ball slapping agains Els anus when doing doggy? Should probaly be Clit instead.
Your balls swing up and slap Elthara's rosebud as she trembles and shakes in your grip, unrelenting pleasure washing over her until she's clawing at the pillows and pleading with you not to stop. Heavy smacks resound in the room as the bed creaks and shifts under your assault, flesh slapping flesh every time your groin impacts her jiggling ass. The elven woman is breathless as sweat flies from her wobbling tits, her loud, moaning pants filling your ears as a duet with the sound of sex.

- Father Where Art Thou? -quest journal text hint about Grettel but champion has never met her
- You've located a gigantic orcish bra, it's a stretch but perhaps it's a clue when combined with a few other findings? There's a chance Grettel has more insight.

- Giving dildo to Pent Up Ryn removes status effect, but she get's it back immediately after.

- Kinu learning weapons [ oncee - once ]
You know your daughter eventually will be learning both the bladed spear and shortbow, but perhaps starting with both at the same time is a bit too much for Kinu. Perhaps it would be best to start with what she favors — the naginata — and teach her the other oncee she's developed a little more strength and a more robust constitution. Much of her education has been more on the intellectual and spiritual so far, after all, but most of all, what Kinu needs now is a hug and reassurance that her mother cares for her.

- Talking Nakano about Kinu with Kiyoko [ couple.I ] -missing space
"However Komari may feel about the two of you being together, I do imagine that the both of you do indeed make for quite the charming couple.I certainly have no issue with you being with my daughter, Provost."

- Intro to "Head patting ceremony" when champ and Kiyoko return to home where Kinu is waiting. Kinu suddenly appears as if not present in scene previously
"C'mon, Mom, it couldn't be put off any longer. Both Granny Komari and I agreed as much — if you're out and about with father, then I'm perfectly capable of standing in for you in official capacity as your heir apparent. You know that, Mom.

"Either way, it doesn't matter. Miko said you'd be back, and she was right on the time down to within five minutes. We've made the arrangements for the ceremony to happen tomorrow, so either you do the honors, or I'll do so in your stead."

"Why, aren't you just being a little presumptive. Then again, I suppose Komari has been encouraging that in you, egging you on to take up more responsibility. Ah, a mother cannot quite complain."

Kinu's expression is very calculatedly stony.

It's then that Kinu deigns to step in, your daughter demurely waiting by the doorstep until Kiyoko waves her along.

"Is something the matter, child? How fortuitous that you should arrive at this moment, too. I was explaining to your father as to tomorrow's events."

"Ah. Matron Komari has requested that I pass the message along that the room has been prepared and properly cleansed for tomorrow's ceremony, Mother. All that is required is our presence. Please, do not allow me to further intrude — "

- Talking to Kinu during ceremony [ my my ] [ than = then ]
"I have known that all my life, Father. Consider that here and now, in this place and at this time, my entire purpose is to be trained and brought up in a fashion such that I may properly administer the Western Imperial Colonies with my my future retainers at my side..."
"...Which would be amongst, but not limited to them, yes. If Mother had not been present to administer headpats in both the private and public ceremonies, than I would have — and was fully prepared to — take her place if need be. But since she is here and so are you, Father, such a measure is unnecessary, for which I am glad."

- Komari about pregnancy of Miko [ not = now ]
"Which wouldn't have come to pass if the lazy girl hadn't gotten into the habit of feigning illness when she was younger, but it's too late for that not, isn't it? Not to mention you still shouldn't have indulged her!"

- Winning fight with Ylvid [ you won I fight I ]
Ylvid groans. "Well, it was a good fight! I can go back to the tribe and sing this story without shame. But still, you won I fight I picked. Do what you want with me. Heh, I kinda want to know what the Storm Witch's brat can-"

- Wynne / Matiha polyamorous [ heard = head ]
She turns her heard shyly towards you – not all the way, but enough that you can see her left eye from her profile. "I... might be okay with that," she admits, a smile quickly spreading across her face.