[0.7.18] Tarah Cuddles Typos


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2024
In [Bed Cuddles], a missing paragraph break after "intertwined:"
Screen Shot 2024-08-25 at 9.16.12 PM.png

In same, a missing period after "pouts:"
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In [Bath Cuddles], extra set of quotation marks and missing italics on Tarah's first line of dialogue:
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In same, should be "flatterer:"
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In same, missing period after "woosh" (within both sets of quotation marks):
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In [Beyond Cuddles], period after "thinking" should be a question mark (or exclamation point):
Screen Shot 2024-08-26 at 5.19.18 PM.png

In same, missing period after [Tarah Nickname], "do" should be "due," and "Frost Marches" should be capitalized, as a proper name:
Screen Shot 2024-08-26 at 5.24.25 PM.png

Thank you!!


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