[0.7.17] Meira Post-sex Expansion Nerfed After Six Kits


Apr 5, 2017
I noticed that upon having six kits, the text indicates that her body is better able to make use of your virility to grow her kits. However, it appears the opposite is true, as initially my character is advancing her about two trimesters before the improvement, then only about a single trimester upon reaching this point in her progression. I verified this looking at the description screen, where initially she would expand 2 sizes and in the later one would only expand by 1 size.

I have attached a save file for before and after the progression of Meira's character, before having six kits and after.

Somewhat related, there's a cut-off text after the belly rub/kiss scene, that occurs before having enough kits that her womb is an erogenous zone, see screenshot. Can be verified in the pre expansion improvement save file.


OS: Chrome, Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)


  • CoC2_Barlow_pre_expansion_improvement.coc2
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  • CoC2_Barlow_post_expansion_improvement.coc2
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