(0.5.7) Crazy Horse Tie Him Up sex scene typo


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
1. These screenshots are from the scene that pops up after choosing to tie him up.
Screenshot (1160).png
Should be capitalized.
Screenshot (1161).png
Extra space there.

2. These are from tie him up-->tease him.
Screenshot (1151).png
The "hoseshiny," part should be separated either by a space or use another " - " in between.
Screenshot (1152).png
"Fellate." Missing an extra L.
Screenshot (1153).png
Missing a comma there.
Screenshot (1154).png
Missing a comma there.
Screenshot (1155).png
A quote mark from a whole new sentence. It needs to be capitalized.

3. This screenshot is from tie him up-->tease him-->Now Him.
Screenshot (1156).png
"Continuous." It's misspelled.

4. This screenshot is from tie him up-->tease him-->leave him.
Screenshot (1162).png
Extra space there.