[0.5.16] minor tooltip issue in the powers tab

Prince Charming

Active Member
Mar 18, 2020
In short:
As noted in this question, trying to equip a power when you do not meet the level requirement disables the "Equip" button, however the disabled "Equip" button's tooltip doesn't mention level requirement as a possible explanation of why you can't equip the power.

Right now the disabled gated button tooltip is "This power is already equipped or you haven't unlocked a slot for it!",
meanwhile the gated button condition is (pardon post-minified code) g = m && m.canEquip() && !pc.getEquippedPower(m) && pc.getSlotPowerWillGoIn(m) >= 0;,
"This power is already equipped" maps to !pc.getEquippedPower(m) failing,
"you haven't unlocked a slot for it!" maps to pc.getSlotPowerWillGoIn(m) >= 0 failing,
therefore m.canEquip() failing is not accounted for in the tooltip, so i suggest something along the lines of "or the character doesn't meet the level requirement for this power" be added.
Also, even though the level indicator on the power card being red should be sufficient for the player to understand the problem comes from not meeting a level requirement, the tooltip can be taken as making an exhaustive list of the reasons of why you can't equip the power, henceforth misleading the player as in, case in point, the author of the question that brought up this problem in the first place. Also blood being diverted from the brain and all.