[0.4.5] Vesperran Codex bug, typos and wording issues


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Meeting Azyrran, fighting/sparring with her, talking with her about her hive and having sex with her - none of that unlocks the Vesparans entry of the Codex.

Height: Hornet females stand roughly 6 ft. tall; males typically range between 5 ft. and 5.6".
Change the highlighted 'ft' and the dot to ' to make it consistent with other entries.

Vesparans, better known as hornetfolk, are a race of humanoid insects found throughout the westerlands of the continent, spanning from the southern plains to the cold forests of the Marches.
I was only able to find the examples of 'westerland' being used as a proper noun so I'm not sure what that word is supposed to mean here.

Dark eyes and full, often-painted lips round out their faces.
Change the hyphen to space.

A hornet queen is the largest of all her hive, often standing well over 7 ft. tall.
Same as above, change ft to '

When a hornet queen is fertilized by one of her drones, she can swell with a clutch of between twenty and thirty eggs, which she will use her ovipositor to load into several of her daughters; these daughters, in turn, will leave the hive and seek out members of other races to defeat in battle and anally fill with eggs, forcing other races to do the most laborious part of egg-care until they're practically ready to hatch.
This bit will work better as two separate sentences, IMO.

Hornets have little history to speak of, as each hive is unto itself a sovereign nation independent of all other hives.
'unto itself' -> 'in itself' or nix entirely.

History speaks, on rare occasion, of hornet amazons from dead hives becoming adventurers or even heroes, wielding bronze and poison in the name of some small village or petty kingdom that earned her respect — and often became her new home, soon to be the site of a new hive.
add 'each' before 'wielding' OR change both instances of 'her' to 'their'

The lust for battle exists in the heart of every vesparan, even the males, and it must be allowed to out from time to time, or hives may well descend into internal chaos until the most ruthless and violent of all the former queen's handmaidens seizes control and turns her sisters outwards on their neighbors.
"allowed to out" -> "allowed to come out" OR "let out"
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