Bugged [0.3.39] Game won't recognise Kiyoko's home materials + typo

Mark an issue as still broken and needing further investigation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I swear it was fine before the hotfix.
EDIT: I used the save editor to see how many pieces I had used for Kiyoko's house. The KIYOKO_HOUSE_MATERIAL_DONATED save value is 203 and KIYOKO_HOME_STAGE is 4. Here's hoping those three extra pieces that were donated didn't break anything.

As I do not wish for this thread to go to waste, I'll use it to report a small typo: when a broken metal part is obtained as a kitsune gift, the text says that you found "a broken metal parts".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As the game reached the amount needed to "finish" Kiyoko's house works, I didn't get a message similar to "Congrats, the work is over". Therefore, I assumed the game suddenly became unaware of how my Champion carried valid pieces in the menu that triggers when you are to use said pieces. That's why I used the save editor to see how many pieces I had used for Kiyoko's house, noticing I had used 203 pieces by the time the menu "stopped working".