0.3.34 Android Version Stuck on Loading Screen

Dec 25, 2019
As the title suggests, as of the latest 0.3.34 patch (and the hotfix the day after), I've been unable to play the game on the android app. The loading screen bar will go to about 1-2 pips from full before sitting there progressing no further, even if I let it sit for several minutes.

Now strangely I got it working once the night of the patch after restarting my device, but have yet to be able to replicate this. The device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab A SM-T580 if that is of any relevance.

Has anybody else run into this issue?

Edit: I forgot to test the android browser version, and that seems to be working fine : /

Edit 2: In the ~5 mins I had the game minimized while making this thread, going back to it "reset" the game+loading bar and this time it went through, so I guess theres a workaround, annoying as it may be

Edit 3: Annnd now I cant replicate the "fix" in Edit 2, trying at 5, 10, and 15 min intervals. It seems to be random :(
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Feb 17, 2021
im using redmi5
this happen after im update my phone(from android 7 to 8.1)
before update is working fine.

edit: when i try to play the game on my old phone(samsung j1) there is no issue whatsoever
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Dec 25, 2019
Sorry to bump a thread if thats breaking any kind of rules, but has anybody found a fix / workaround for the android app issue? Once in a blue moon I can get the above mentioned method to get the game working, though its far from a fullproof fix.

Just wondering if this is even a common issue being looked into, or me and a few others are getting hit with a Shit-Outta-Luck club due to technology being technology. Thanks either way :)


New Member
Mar 11, 2021
What devices and versions of Android are you guys running?
Mine is a Samsung galaxy j7. Which is an android 8.0 . I saw another guy on the forum with 8.0 with the same issue. Maybe this problem only occurs in these devices. Nevertheless, it must be fixed as I could play the game's early versions perfectly. I can even play TITS well enough. It's probably a minor fix. But please, please fix it.
Good luck.
Dec 25, 2019
The issue seems to continue with the public 0.3.37 patch, was hoping it was just some weird snag with the 0.3.34 patch specifically. I dont suppose somebody has been able to look into this issue, as downgrading my android version, from what l have looked up is a bit of a headache to me.

I mean ultimately the browser version works fine, but I do prefer to use the app. Sorry again if bumping is frowned upon


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Chances are the problem is with the version of Android you're running. I'm on Android 10 and don't have this issue.
Dec 25, 2019
It would seem Android WebView was/is auto disabled on my tablet, and after doing some digging, it will not let me enable it, nor uninstall any recent updates. Theres no 3 dots option menu in the top right when viewing that specific app, nor is there anything I can click on when viewing the app in the play store

Edit: Furthermore, I tried to use the apkmirror from one of those links to download the latest update to Webview 89.0.4389.105, and upon installation and a device restart, Webview still remains at version 70.0.3538.110
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New Member
Apr 5, 2021
After trying the standard stuff, i can confirm that it is a problem with either Android WebView or Google Chrome. Since i use Chrome i tried CoC2 with a reverted Update for Chrome and it worked. After the revert CoC2 finally loads trough and i can play again!
-> If you'd like to continue with CoC2 and use Chrome on your device, I suggest switching to another browser as long as this issue persists