0.3.3 Critital Error when attempting to change party


New Member
Jun 15, 2020
I am using Firefox 77.0.1 64-bit.

Please refer to attached screenshots. This started occurring after completing Winter City. With certain party compositions already in place, clicking on "Change Party" at waystones results in the error. So far I've tested the following combinations:
Brienne + Cait
Brienne + Quin
Brienne + Atugia
Brienne + Berwyn
Brienne by herself

The aforementioned 5 combinations resulted in the error when clicking on "Change Party"

Brienne + Etheryn did not result in the error. I also played around with a few random combinations that don't involve Brienne and did not manage to trigger the error.

Just to clarify, the error only occurs if you click on "Change Party" AFTER the above combinations are already in your party.

1.jpg 2.png 3.png

EDIT: You might notice that the time and location for screenshots 1 and 2 are different. That's because I realised that I accidentally posted 2 of the same screenshots for the error message so I had to go back in and replicate it before taking a new screenshot.