[0.2.15] Incorrect Race in Journal


Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
So I have no idea why but the game seems to view me as a cat folk even though I have fox ears and a fox tail. I changed back into a human and that seemed to be fine. At first I thought it was just something for fox parts, but when I grew a pair of lupine ears and lupine tail and the game seems to view me as a cat folk. Attached are my save file where this is happening. I should note that this has been happening in previous versions, but I simply thought that the fox-girl/kitsune/whatever race had not been added to the list and simply ignored it until I tried changing my fox parts for wolf parts.


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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
The fox and wolf race are both full furry, muzzle and all. Your character isn't a furry. The reason it thinks you're a catfolk instead of human is because you have a tail. Your character doesn't fit any race well, so the game's kinda just picking the closest thing. You're basically a human with fox ears and fox tail. The closest thing is catfolk who are basically humans with cat ears and cat tail. I'm curious, what race do you think your character should be?


Active Member
Nov 2, 2016
The fox and wolf race are both full furry, muzzle and all. Your character isn't a furry. The reason it thinks you're a catfolk instead of human is because you have a tail. Your character doesn't fit any race well, so the game's kinda just picking the closest thing. You're basically a human with fox ears and fox tail. The closest thing is catfolk who are basically humans with cat ears and cat tail. I'm curious, what race do you think your character should be?
Oh I see, that's a shame because I tend to just stick to Kemonomimi characters (just animal ears and tails plus genitals if I do a herm character). As for what race I think they should be, well I know they shouldn't be considered Kitsune due to in game lore, so I was thinking just a simple fox-girl/herm/boy depending on the character's gender.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2019
Oh I see, that's a shame because I tend to just stick to Kemonomimi characters (just animal ears and tails plus genitals if I do a herm character). As for what race I think they should be, well I know they shouldn't be considered Kitsune due to in game lore, so I was thinking just a simple fox-girl/herm/boy depending on the character's gender.
having this issue too. It seems to only refer to me as catfolk when I have ears. Feel like it should be lupine with the lupine ears/tail and canine cock


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2019
No, because lupines are furry with muzzles. Catfolk are not furry and do not have muzzles.
It just seems weird to have no cat features, yet still be referred to as a catfolk. If not lupine, then at least stay human. It seems to do this with all ear types except human from what I've tested