
  1. Lapis_Lazuli

    [Kickstarter] Dear Monster – animated yaoi BL game

    Hi! I wanted to share Dear Monster with you :) It’s an animated bara/yaoi BL game with art by the awesome Jouvru. Please play the demo and tell me what you think! And if you like it, please consider supporting the Kickstarter campaign. Thank you so much! Kickstarter campaign link (with demo...
  2. FifthPierrot

    [Twine] [Patreon] Conquerrence - Yaoi CYOA

    Summary: Ever played Sengoku Rance or the Venus Blood series and thought 'This is great, but I'd like a gay version'? Probably not, but hey, that's exactly the thought process that led to the creation of this game. For a while I waited for something like that to come along, but given the...