
  1. Nivaeli

    Vagina Puffiness??

    So I've always been aware of the pussypump item and the "slightly pumped" and "fully pumped" tags, but according to the wiki there is a 3rd stage "hyper pumped".. I've tried multiple of the ways to achieve the 3rd stage, but nothing ever seems to work. Also what the game says as "fully pumped"...
  2. S

    Understanding the formulas on the Smutosaurus wiki?

    Hey all, I was hoping someone could help me understand the notation used for the formulas used on the Smutosaurus wiki? Example: or These are both from the description on the Constrict attack on the wiki. I'm not familiar with the usage of the double dots, or the single dot after "0..[7]. "...
  3. M

    Trials in Tainted Space Offline Wiki

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way of acsessing the TiTS wiki offline, I have little to none network connection and was wondering if someone had a way of making the wiki accessible offline.