
  1. R

    Question about Hana and Tetsuya

    I’m returning to the game after a year of updates, i always ended up playing as a kitsune but i was always a bit of disappointed from how much content involving the champion as a father/mother with penis there was (like the whole Kiyoko marriage story line) and how little there was about player...
  2. Alliebutt

    Victor Reverra question. Spoiler for Shadow Over the Sun?

    So a genuine question, related to the wraith mansion part of the quest. When looking at the genealogy book, it says that there was a betrothal to someone. My main question is if the first name of that character is based on the MC name if they're female? In my game her name is Alicia, which...
  3. Alliebutt

    Being a Valkyrie, and what it entails.

    So, I'm genuinely curious. I just got back into the games after not having played for a hot minute, and I plan to soul-bind myself to Lumia, and I was wondering how the people the champ knows who follow her religion reacts to that. I know with the kitsune path it wasn't really talked about, and...