Soaked Raskvel's Back 2 Back scene states PC doesn't have a penis when PC is a Hermaphrodite.
"While you might not have a cock, she does."
Save file included.
What was I doing? First interaction with Tessa in the Tarkus bar. Approached her a few times until the option to talk appeared, clicked "Talk".
Error message:
Version: 0.9.102-BACKER#5025 Message: add is not defined Stack:
ReferenceError: add is not defined
at o.value...
So the title says is already.
Is there a way to reverse the flag "Report Badger"?
I tried to look through some files and stuff, but I could only find something that says "DR_BADGER_TURNED_IN" - it was set to 1, so I changed it to 0, hoping that this little would be enough, but obv that did...
I had a dream last night, in which I was playing TiTs, and I was surprised to find new content.
On Tarkus, Steele encountered a large Tarkus Dragon, about the same size as Frosty. Maybe a little smaller. Yellow eyes, green and rust coloured scales. Smells of diesel, but in a nice way. We will...