
  1. teawolf

    Bugged [0.7.29] Kesuk & Mary Scene progression bug

    Note-- "saying no to [Mary's] handy does weird things not only does the game assume you said yes, it also acts as though you re-entered the shop right after the end of the last scene if you say yes however, it puts you outside the shop as it should"
  2. T

    Bugged Divine Intervention Imp Pregnancy [0.7.29]

    The conclusion of the Divine Intervention event - where you meet Kasyrra in the Temple of Mallach after it's been built in Hawkthorne - results in a generic imp pregnancy rather than the Kasyrra-specific imp pregnancy.
  3. T

    Kinu Dialog Bug [0.7.27]

    If you speak to Kinu Hime just before she would travel to Komari's tile from Kiyoko's home, and advance time past when she would have left though dialog, and then give her a peach, if she devours it you get the dialog as if you were in Komari's tile. In terms of time the bug will trigger if...
  4. T

    Bugged Slight problem with Ivaze's gangbang scene in .7.28

    After I unlocked Ivaze's gangbang scene, I was unable to pick any other scene options on following nights; every time I encountered her afterwards just jumped straightaway into the gangbang scene.
  5. D

    Bugged [0.7.26] Valkyrie soulbind, and Keros being a no-show

    I'm on day 129 in this save file, and while admittedly I freed Kiyoko rather late (after I became a Valkyrie) for character reasons, it's still been probably at least 50-60 in-game days since then, with me visiting the fox den basically every single day. Despite which: 1. I have not had Keros'...
  6. JakeFromStateFarm

    Enhancement 0.7.26 Viviane services bug

    I encountered viviane on day 121 and got all her dialogue, and then, without sleeping or otherwise leaving the old forest, spent two in game days fighting shit, and each night, getting her encounter, but even after more than 24 in game hours have passed, having her services and cait outfit...
  7. IraMorti

    Bugged [0.7.25] Hellhound First Birth Wayfort - Still showing "Eldest Daughter"

    Like title says, Karithea's first birth ever if in Wayfort will show the scene for every birth after rather than the first pups birth.
  8. IraMorti

    Bugged [0.7.24] Agni Hellhound conversation if Hellhound is already at Wayfort.

    So in my current game I got Kari at the Wayfort before I got Agni so she has the conversation for the Hellhound in regarding threesomes despite Kari no longer being at the Temple. This conversation probably should become disabled if Kari is already at the Wayfort. If you activate it, it returns...
  9. F

    Bugged [0.7.23] The option to make Rindo your Concubine procs early

    I am playing the [0.7.23] backer version on steam currently. And as the thread post states, after being intimate with Rindo and going to talk to Komari I get the dialog and option to make Rindo My Concubine. I have not defeated Queen Alissa or subsequently talked to Ryn in the wayfort to accept...
  10. ScaleTail

    Bugged [0.7.22] Lapis Hoplite summon circle text issues

    The Ride scene is missing what is presumably a [pc.vagOrAss] parser. Also in the Ride scene -- prostate mention in vaginal penetration isn't intentional right? The sidebar, above the map, confuses Myria with Snowy the frost moth. Lastly -- and most significantly -- the Dick 69 scene...
  11. Y

    Bugged COC 2 0.7.19. Katya Quest Loop

    It seems that if you completed the quest in 0.7.18 or lesser versions, the Katya;s quest complete flag seems to have on error. If you try to get the quest again, no ! mark appears in Windy Peaks. And the Quest is gone in the Quest menu "The Unlikely Prospect" Due to the flag error, Family...
  12. O

    COC2 Atugia taking my virginity with fingers doesn't feel right.

    I'm playing a virgin character but now I have encountered an extreme roadblock. If I sleep at the frost hound, Atugia appears and she fingers my character and then boom, no longer a virgin. I really really really don't think this is correct, it has to be a bug right? "As you drift off into the...
  13. A

    Bugged [V 0.7.18 Android] Solveig mentions item before it has been retrieved.

    During the 'Farther where art thou?' quest, the player receives a lead from Gwyn to talk to Sanders, who in turn suggests checking out a location in North-East of the Old Forest. After talking to Sanders, if the player chooses to talk to Solveig before checking out the location, Solveig mentions...
  14. Listo

    Bugged Rags Date Continuity Error

    Not sure if this is really a bug or just an oversight on the part of Tobs, but it's a pretty obvious one if so. Regardless, my character hasn't met Gwyn's mother yet, so she has no business measuring the distance from apple to tree.
  15. Tarnakus

    Bugged [0.7.17] Marissa showing pregnant belly all the time.

    There is this one sentence about one or both priestesses being pregnant. I noticed that in my main save, only Marissa cradles her pregnant belly - even though it's strange, as it activates the next time I do a throne scene, which happens on the same in-game day. But now, I rolled back and didn't...
  16. IraMorti

    Bugged [0.7.16] Kailani Anal Knot Bug

    When you have anal with a knot the first time with Kailani it reads like you won't put the knot in till she gets more experience, but then when you cum it obviously states that you locked that knot firmly in her ass. Feel like some functions got their wires crossed here. Don't know if this...
  17. S

    Bugged 0.7.15 Ahmri Infinite Heat Glitch

    After giving birth to Aster, Ahmri goes into unending heat. Yes or no, she will be unavailable for the rest of the day, and will repeat the heat event upon speaking to her again the next day. It is impossible to access any conversations with her in this condition, and I have trashed several...
  18. A

    Bugged [0.7.12] Kittens interaction not available if PC is the mother (Manticore Tower)

    Despite the birth scene rather clearly depicting the children staying at the manticore tower, the kittens option remains unavailable with the hint text "They've not been born yet!", which is obviously false.
  19. Tarnakus

    Bugged [0.7.23] Opal grows too quickly

    As in the title, I paid attention during her childbirth and noticed Kailani's comment about the child having closed eyes and needing six months to open them. However, when I selected her option in Kailani's talk menu, the child already had thick fur, open eyes, and was trying to make contact...
  20. Stev3DD

    Bugged Champion is sleeping with Rina when they shouldn't

    After Rinas running competition. Text says that champion* stays with Brint and Rina goes to bed alone, but in next scene champion is sleeping with Rina. *female, married to Brint, platonic relation with Rina.