So I'm doing a playthrough with a primarily female character, and I want to get all the possible children in my nursery. I don't see on the pregnancy page of the wiki some of the things that have gotten my characters pregnant in the past. So I was wondering if there's anywhere to find a list of...
is the only unique egg in the game is the royal egg from drider queen? What about other eggs like harpy and kobold? Is there any unique else? And can I use scum method to get it by load a save everytime it hatch?
Sorry if my grammar bad
This is a short interactive story about a girl working at an alien exposition center.
As you do simple chores, you will find many opportunities to develop your relationships with your insectoid guests.
Gameplay is a simple button-based navigation, with very rudimentary management elements...
I am literally stuck on a planet and cannot leave as Ellie's pregnacy keeps me stuck there. Once I get the email to go see her in the nursery it's all good until my Steele and her decide to go do some post pregnacy sex, and then the game crashes.
I'm pretty sure this is more of an oversight than a bug but just on the off chance that it's not I felt to make this thread anyway I got the scene where Kiyoko has a kit and the pc isn't around where she introduces them to each other. But the thing is Kiyoko was in my party when said scene...
I don't know if this is a bug or just an oversight, but in the Rough with Me scene, it causes a Hornet pregnancy even though the scene itself states that the eggs are unfertilized.