
  1. C

    Penny Crash

    New Game, Go to Penny, Fight Zil, boom. It was consistent with this error: Version: 0.9.077-PUBLIC#4032 Message: t.toLowerCase is not a function Stack: 83742/value/a<@
  2. GreedyDragon

    Penny Fight Them PC

    Version: 0.9.022-PUBLIC#2600 Message: penny.short is not a function Stack: Tl@ value@ 47349/A...
  3. H

    Oxonium Hunt Error Encountered

    Version: 0.9.022-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2600 Message: penny.short is not a function Stack: TypeError: penny.short is not a function at window.podDiscoveryBonus (file:///android_asset/www/content_mhenga.52ea723f.js:1:2469046) at c.runOnEnter...
  4. C

    TiTS - Dr. Badger, reverse reporting her to Penny

    So the title says is already. Is there a way to reverse the flag "Report Badger"? I tried to look through some files and stuff, but I could only find something that says "DR_BADGER_TURNED_IN" - it was set to 1, so I changed it to 0, hoping that this little would be enough, but obv that did...
  5. M


    Version: 0.9.000-PUBLIC#1940 Message: this.props.calcSalePrice is not a function Stack: TypeError: this.props.calcSalePrice is not a function at o.get ( at Object.doClick...