
  1. SSS019

    The Berwyn Penis Choices are a Disgrace to Humanity

    After doing all that stuff to get to the transformation options for Berwyn we're left with -No penis -Small -Big -Huge With huge being... The original size...????? No massive, or giant, or whatever larger size? What? This game already has 0 chances to increase the penis size of a character...
  2. R

    Tamaños perfectos

    Buenas tardes. Quería saber cuáles son los tamaños perfectos (según ustedes) del pene para poder así entrar en cada hoyo que se pueda entrar en la galaxia. Muchas gracias por sus respuestas. Pd: VIVAN LOS Y LAS CREADORES DE COC Y TITS!!!
  3. Ladripper

    [0.4.1] [Steam] Etheryn PC penis size mismatch [Not a bug]

    Can't fuck Etheryn monstrously, even tough the penis size should match up. (2x 38.4 inches). I can also choose Cait & Fuck, which I previously couldn't. Didn't have that issue when I last played today, updated graphics and sound drivers and restarted (don't know if it has anything to do with it...