
  1. A

    List of Body Part Types and Flags

    So, I've always liked editing my characters first thing to look how I want from the start using the old TiTSEd for the pre-js version, and I've been using an online JSON editor to edit my character in the newer javascript versions. After a while, I got tired of checking what was what, and made a...
  2. T

    [Public Android 0.9.048] Autopathing Failure in Deep Caves of Myrellion

    Attempting to use autopathing to get from pretty much any of the Start rooms to any of the End rooms, but strangely not vice versa, crashes the game with the attached error. See the attached image for a list of start and end rooms.
  3. T

    [Public Android 0.9.045] Unable to talk to Kiro

    I'm unsure if this is a legitimate bug, but I've been trying to talk with Kiro for quite a while now and have not gotten the talk button to light up even once.
  4. H

    Oxonium Hunt Error Encountered

    Version: 0.9.022-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2600 Message: penny.short is not a function Stack: TypeError: penny.short is not a function at window.podDiscoveryBonus (file:///android_asset/www/content_mhenga.52ea723f.js:1:2469046) at c.runOnEnter...
  5. VikNev

    Simple question about legacy version atts.

    Just a simple question: The Tits classic version of the game will not receive more content ? I play the classic version on my cellphone and I don't have a computer to play the JavaScript version, and if the classic version dies I'll cannot play the newest content.
  6. B

    A critical error has occurred. "tpc is not defined". v0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1558

    I dont know exactly where I were when it crashed but I was traveling North in Uveto in hostile cells. Think it was close to "Korg’ii Hold" Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1558 Message: tpc is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: tpc is not defined at window.tryApplyUvetoColdDamage...
  7. Zoop

    [Fixt] Critical Error Bug report at pool

    Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1464 Message: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'onRemove') Stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'onRemove') at o.value ( at t...
  8. F

    Kase Sex menu critical error. (Public)

    Upon attempting "Give Oral" or "Get Fucked" with Kase. Version: 0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1107 Message: kase is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: kase is not defined at Object.fg [as func] ( at e.value...