
  1. GobboEnthusiast

    Gabilani character concept

    Hey all, first time poster here but I have chatted a bit in the discord server for a few days. Sharing my ideas and just generally talking about TiTS. Attached is my concept for a Gabilani character based on my own Captain Steele, with an appearance description, possible scene and interaction...
  2. N

    can a system to add random transformations on defeat be added?

    I was wondering if a feature could be added that upon defeat a random transmutation based on what defeated you. For example if a wolf defeats you in combat you get a random wolf transformation. This could be added through a trait or it could be added in a certain Zone or it could be added...
  3. T

    An idea for Celise

    Since celise is a slime and doesn't have many interaction you could let her go inside your vagina in wich she could be used do prevent SSTDs and pregnancies and she could be used as a Dildo. Same could be used for the main charachter if they turn into a slime to enter a crewmember's vagina
  4. M

    Weight/Mass as a game functionality

    So, my idea, this is going to be a very long post, so I hope I can get through the plan of this idea quickly so others can expand upon it; for my idea, I was thinking of a system or a whole other gameplay mechanic related around the size and mass of the character you are playing, moves that...
  5. DumbAndDumber

    Lyric idea that i had.

    I just did Lyric "standing fuck" and had an idea based on her dialogue, a champion with 100 corruption/demonic could get a small sidequest saying how they like the idea of wearing Lyric around, you could get incubus cum/succubus milk (based on Lyric gender) and give it to them, upon drinking it...
  6. S

    Quality of Life for Hyper Enthusiasts

    Would be neat if having Condensol in your inventory would allow scenes you're too endowed for to be selected, sort of like how you need Throbb to do hyper stuff with Kelly the first times. Even if it takes one every time rather than every time you do that specific scene. I love having a massive...