
  1. SSS019

    The Berwyn Penis Choices are a Disgrace to Humanity

    After doing all that stuff to get to the transformation options for Berwyn we're left with -No penis -Small -Big -Huge With huge being... The original size...????? No massive, or giant, or whatever larger size? What? This game already has 0 chances to increase the penis size of a character...
  2. BootyisLove

    Berwyn Being Removed

    I'm sure there's already plenty of this stuff out there, but I just need to ask. Why was Berwyn really removed? They are a finished character now which means the only real thing you needed to do was make sure their code was up to date so why take them off the companion roster?? If you ask me the...
  3. R

    Cait's Berwyn Scene Hasn't Been Removed/Reconfigured

    This is leading with cait berywn 3some, this should be either removed or updated. I have changed Berwyn to Wynne with huge tits and no cock, so this could also be part of the reason, but a lot of the Berwyn stuff probably needs edited or adjusted or something. version: 0.5.7 TypeError: Cannot...
  4. R

    Huge Berwyne Bug

    I have encountered a bug or some script error where I have Berwyn as a female, complete female. She should not be describing her masturbation as a male/herm. This breaks immersion by A LOT. Please fix. I believe this isn't the right scene for the reconstructed Berwyn.
  5. UndyingRevenant

    What are your thoughts on Berwyn being removed from the party?

    Feel free to list reasons for your choice.
  6. M

    Typo in Berwyn Spanking Scene (Development Build 0.4.41)

    Small typo, just used "living" instead of "leaving."
  7. UndyingRevenant

    What is your wish list for characters?

    For me, Berwyn: Helping him train. Could be neat to help him get better at summoning, as a melee character possibly sparring with the golem, as a magician helping him with the conjuration itself. After possibly a difficult fight where he temporarily loses control of it, he gets a upgraded...