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  1. razorrozar

    Writing for TiTS

    I keep accidentally calling Jacques into my project thread because my phone won't let me delete the notification that it's got saved in the Reply field even though I've already posted it twice thanks a lot IPB
  2. razorrozar

    Could someone explain to me the appeal of Male to Female TF for me?

    Would it help if you somehow weaned your body off testosterone first? I'm just asking from curiosity, I doubt that's even possible.
  3. razorrozar

    Could someone explain to me the appeal of Male to Female TF for me?

    You and me both. ...wait, estrogen eats your bones?
  4. razorrozar

    Zoe's Temptations - Final Version!

    I really like what you've got here - I played through Trixy's side earlier and was very impressed. I'm on the free version, so any criticism I have to offer has likely been addressed in the Patreon version. One bit of advice I'd like to say: make sure there are enough options for players to...
  5. razorrozar

    [Implemented] Muffstick - Mouthgina TF

    :damn: Onyx droppin tha help bombs in here
  6. razorrozar

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    You want MORE forced TFs, but LESS bad ends? That seems a little conflicting. Also no your cousin needs to fall in love with you and join your crew and have sweet, sweet cousincest.
  7. razorrozar

    Glassboy's drawings

    Seriously loving those curves. I also really like the tattoos, reminds me of Sirens from Borderlands. 
  8. razorrozar

    Npc and perk idea

    Yeah, like a hair dec kinda thing.
  9. razorrozar

    Npc and perk idea

    I can't vote in the new poll because I voted in the old one. Idk about wings on her actual ears but short wings behind her ears would be pretty hot.
  10. razorrozar

    Npc and perk idea

    Yesss This would also be hot
  11. razorrozar

    Happy Birthday, Forum 2.0!

    Well now you know. Because basically all forum software is apparently terrible.
  12. razorrozar

    Npc and perk idea

    I feel like having her with no lady bits but making her massively turned on by assplay would be really sexy.
  13. razorrozar

    [WIP] Trap/Tomboy TF Items, Shop, and Sexable Trap Shopkeeper

    WHY do I keep getting undeletable @Jacques00 mentions in my posts here? Sorry, Jacques. ANYWAY this is still a thing that's happening but I've been dealing with some IRL stuff the past couple days. I should have time to write tomorrow. Re:pronouns, no hard points. Jukina identifies as male...
  14. razorrozar

    multiple wombs

    Every vagina you have can get impregnated independently.
  15. razorrozar

    multiple wombs

    Pussyblossom will let you grow at least one extra vagina. You're supposed to be able to get three total but I've never been able to, it's always locked for me.
  16. razorrozar

    Music to shake your TiTs

    THIS IS A SONG ABOUT "COULD'VE" VERSUS "COULD OF" Ahem. Anyway... when Steele is hanging out with his/her ragtag band of misfits, I imagine them listening to twenty one pilots.
  17. razorrozar

    Where is NT going?

    First of all, that's because whites are still a majority in the US. Larger numbers of people means a larger absolute number of victims of anything. Relative to how many people of color are actually in the US, they're way, way more likely to be the victims of violence. Second: see what I said...
  18. razorrozar

    Where is NT going?

    I'd probably be pretty pissed, UNLESS I was a member of a group that gets marginalized or suppressed by whatever "important thing" got taken away (such as, in the gun control example, young black males). Like women on New Texas.
  19. razorrozar

    Where is NT going?

    Well I mean I'm a massive liberal American who's 100% in favor of reducing the scope of the Second Amendment so your analogy there backfires on me a little bit. :P
  20. razorrozar

    Where is NT going?

    @FatLizard Regarding your age of consent example, 18 is regarded as the age when people are expected to be able to understand and accept the consequences of their actions. That's why it's the age of consent. There may very well be 16, 14, hell even 12 year olds who are capable of that, and there...