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  1. O

    Savin's CYOA: 010

    Considering that she is a flaming tail, and yeah, they probably would take interest in anyone who's moving around the tower that doesn't look like a mino or ogre....considering, harpies... And yeah, she probably told all of em about you, maybe even boasted an egg around or...
  2. O

    Savin's CYOA: 010

    That would be a good idea, if not for what we learned in the 5th part:  "You said you and your... sisters... live in the castle there?" "Uh-huh! We got driven out of our old nest by a bunch of nasty cat-folk, but Queen Miria found us a new place to live in the ruins. Nobody bothers us...
  3. O

    Savin's CYOA: 010

    So, collapsed tower, obvious gate entrance and Scouting the perimeter (Via a wisdom check...Remi has 8, so what could go wrong?)  Seeming as it's early morning apparently, the chance of being ambushed by entering through the gate is lower, seeing as Tyroa mentioned that the place had minos in...
  4. O

    Savin's CYOA: 004

    Eh, not that we are complaining. >inb4 the first option gets the most votes.
  5. O

    Savin's CYOA: 003

    Check for injuries and whatnot, maybe get some info of the surroundings from her. Maybe get a reward for your heroic deeds, and by that I mean missionary pressing with tailpeg included. And if not (which I doubt.), take the reward for your heroic deeds, same as above.
  6. O

    Savin's CYOA (Pre-Game 1: Character Generation)

    Salamander (Called it.) Herm (And here I was hoping for a male trap) and Sorceress. This is gonna be interesting...if we don't hit a dead end after two chapters.