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    regular attack bug

    for some encounters i get this bug after attacking (file:///D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/505.cdcae8fb09bd33b9386d.js:1:35767) at i.value...
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    Console save editing help

    ok i found this { key: "addItem", value: function (e, t) { "function" == typeof e && (e = new e); var a = e.stack, n =...
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    Console save editing help

    { key: "wings", value: function (e) { var t = [], n = ["black", "dark red", "dark green"]; if (e.hasWings() ||...
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    [CoC2] Dual Wielding

    how do i equip weapons in the offhand?
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    hmmm need to figure out what i did to cause these...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    using notepad++ and js files only go so far after all you would think editing: "pc.skintype = [GLOBALS.BODY_TYPE_BARK]" will not give you the plant/bark skin instead it is skin type "3". And don't edit you're save in anything except in the browser console or else strange things and crashing may...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    how do i use spoiler or text document? when i told you journey i meant the path my train of thought went. also i cleared up a lot of excess amount of text with just giving the explanation to those who don't know what there doing yet. as well of the fact that see everything however notice nothing.
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    there now i don't need to worry about forgetting this.
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    Pulse Check

    hello fraulein's!!!!! any one still here any one from atomic irradiated to zombie's hello?!???
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    oooohhhhhhh nice... I'm wondering if all of this can be applied to t.i.t.s. about editing flags type in console "flags" for a list of flags. edit at you're own risk.
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    "For %@*& sake, why did you make fourteen separate stream-of-consciousness posts? There is an edit button, use it." WolframL so someone can fallow my train of thought and might see something i missed. I almost always miss one thing due not seeing the tree through all the forest. any one what...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    found this code pc.adjustUp("pregnancySpeed", 3, .25) not 100% Shure what it dose at the moment it is interesting though
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    for combat and more see Daddy McDadface post 2nd spoiler
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    as for Boon to get the list of them type "BOONS" pc.createBoon(BOONS.HoneyMead) gives Honey Mead boon for 1 day can i incress duration? I also learned if you add another boon it overwrites the last. pc.addBoon(BOONS.HoneyMead) crashes the game so how do i get more... from what i can tell you...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    status effects SEFFECTS (pc.createStatusEffect(SEFFECTS.Armorer) gives Armorer for 12h pc.createStatusEffect (SEFFECTS.AnallyFilled, 5, 10) = Anally Filled: Your asshole has been stuffed with fluids. Amount: 10mL Remaining: 0d 0h 5m pc.createStatusEffect (SEFFECTS.AnallyFilled) Anally...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    adding a wyld mark: "pc.wyldMark = [1, 12]" gives wyld mark 1 and 12
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    stats are mostly editable using code: "pc" however some may need to been enabled through putting at least 1 point in each attribute first or using the codes bellow e = characters as in "pc.strengthAlloc = 5" will give your pc 5 allocation points in strength e.strengthAlloc = 5 e.toughnessAlloc...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    adding a 2nd or more breast rows cant be done in the game yet. as for cocks you only get two for now. breast rows from what i can tell using a external save editor has no limit to how many you can have as for the code it is: using "Tf.TfGrowSecondCock (pc)" will give pc a second dick
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    pc.cocks[0].tags = [GLOBALS.BODY_TAG_FLARED, GLOBALS.BODY_TAG_SHEATHED] added the tags flared and sheathed to my 1st cock. list of used cock tags are: some tags wont work with each other the gooey with horse cocks as you can see here gives me: "goo-cockblunted horse-cocks" "pc.ass['tags'] ="...
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    browser console save editing without breaking saves

    working on adding tags using pc.tailTags = [GLOBALS.BODY_TAG_FLUFFY, GLOBALS.BODY_TAG_THICK] gave me tail tags #17 and 15 and you can also do pc.tailTags = [17, 15] add tags with code: (*** = arm, ball, breast, ear, eye, face, hair, leg, skin, tail, tongue, and wing) "pc.***Tags" so to get...