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    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Alright good to hear. I do think it adds difficulty, which is good, but I dislike when it ends the fight without me actually 'finishing' it. Ive had it happen multiple times where the fight ended either due to me mounting the opponent or the opponent mounting me, no full lust bar needed. With...
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    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    whenever i get captured I start losing willpower, is this intended? it does make fights more difficult, but its somewhat unsatisfying to lose, or win, in that fashion. Makes counter a real trial to push through.
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    Seven Minutes in Heaven

    you sir are a god  :D . Thank you for these great games and your writing (if it is yours) is very good. Look forward to the progress of  both this and night games!
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    Seven Minutes in Heaven

    Please help me with this then. I use think, the general hints it give have not helped me shorten the time with Alina. I talk occasionally, it doesn't do much. Specifically with Alina, how the heck do you get to fingering with any reasonable amount of time? It takes me most of the time just to...
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    Seven Minutes in Heaven

    Please PM me or post any tips or strategies. I have tried  to get to fingering with Alina without time almost being up and I simply can't do it, I doubt there is anything past there because if there is it definitely needs to be made easier to reach. The time limit makes it almost impossible, and...