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  1. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    Lyianna blinked at the repeat of her question. “Um, I’m just not familiar with how armor is supposed to fit properly. I don’t generally use armor but you seem like you would know better than I.” But she didn’t realize how in depth it was. “Um, no this wasn’t custom made. It’s just a set of armor...
  2. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    Lyianna giggled along with Drusilia before hugging her again. “Well if it comes to that then at least I know someone will come after me. I shall do my best to be careful. Good luck with the rituals!” After that she left, meeting back with Claire and taking her to the weapons master to find some...
  3. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    The longer that the woman spoke, the deeper the shade of red that covered Lyianna’s face, even seeping into her ears and neck. It was certainly something that she hadn’t been expecting. The Black Hallows had been a place that she had been warned to not step foot in without keeping her head on a...
  4. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    Lyianna smiled again as she handed the woman the cup, about to speak again but blinking in surprise and hurriedly grasps the cup with a slight gasp. "Hey, don't, you're-" but by the time she had said so the girl had already flung herself up and then collapsed on the floor. She sighed in...
  5. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    “Two hundred feet….” Lyianna murmured as she looked the woman over to ensure that they hadn’t missed any major injuries prior to summoning her to look the woman over. The healing energies passed from her hands into the woman and a look of satisfaction came to her face when it was done, proud...
  6. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    Lyianna smiled but soon enough the smile had transformed into a troubled look. "This is troubling news, Elder, but I haven't seen any signs yet of the Black Marshes invading our homes any more than usual. At least, not yet..." While she partially agreed with Drusulia that it seemed far fetched...
  7. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    “Oh come now Synnorha, all humans aren’t bad. They have to learn somehow and we could always lend a hand,” Lyianna said to the female as they passed the two, not bothering to stop, and putting a hand meaningfully on Eroan’s shoulder, hoping that they would take the hint that it wasn’t really...
  8. nekonoble

    A.N.A.L (In Game)

    Lyianna couldn't help but smile and hum softly as she gathered useful plants and ingredients for her salves. She was considered skilled enough that the clan's shaman wasn't worried about supervising her any longer and, for the most part, left her to her own devices. She had a feeling that today...