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  1. P


    ....I..... didn't know debug mode was a thing.... a lot of early grinding for items that I could have avoided... oh well, live and learn. Now that I know it exists, I might just make a second save file and make a new character on that while progressing with this one. PS. I'm guessing I have to...
  2. P


    Thank you, the wiki was helpful, so I ended up farming Giant Bees for spellbooks, so i finally learned White Fire. I didn't know that I had to visit the library at a late time, since when I visited, he simply told me the library wasn't ready and I thought I just haven't triggered a flag yet to...
  3. P


    I wasn't sure where to look to ask but... I've gone for a bit too long without learning a single spell. I invested way too much time getting my Intelligence and getting my Magic damage to 200%.... I just can't use it because I don't know any. I've unlocked the first page of areas and the high...