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  1. M

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Want a libido lowering item. The current way to lower libido (that i know of at least) is get it over 50 then visit Lash and use his services. To me it feels like Lash, if anyone, should have a libido decreasing item on sale even if only with limited effectiveness.
  2. M

    In what order do you currently want new content added to TiTS?

    Id like to see mimbranes have that chance to leave some of the changes behind after reproduction like its mentioned on the wiki (if thats intended), and after that Uveto. I rly like what ive heard of the races of Uveto so looking forward to that.
  3. M

    Sleeping with fed mimbrane attatched

    And in my experience they never are. So to me it seems that bodyparts always revert to their normal size/state. So far ive spent around a hundred days trying see if anything change and after that just loading back to before sleaping a lot of times (the hundred days was to build trust for the...
  4. M

    Saved char as an interactable char in residental area

    Well i never meant that the backstory would be the same as yours what i meant was that since you played the char you could change the appearance while playing it and then if you have a char you have thought up that has an appearance and name of the char you created you could simply push that...
  5. M

    Saved char as an interactable char in residental area

    Thought a cool  idea would be to be abel to "move in" a character you have played and have a save file for in the residental area. So say i create Emely and play this char for a bit then want to try a new char so i create a new char. While playing the new char and while in the residental area...
  6. M

    Sleeping with fed mimbrane attatched

    From what the wiki says it sounds like having mimbranes attatched and fed and then sleeping will result in a small growth of attatched parts. Im wondering what parts will grow and how. From my testing nothing seems to change... This is the part in the wiki im refereing to: " Sleeping while a...